Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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[P. 240, 1. 4
same metro viz. a combination of Tristubh and Vaitaliya foet and the same topic viz, the qualities of an ideal monk.
P. 240, I. 4 The word Sri' used here may not have been from the pon of our author himself. It must by a later addition made by some devotee of his. : . P. 240, I. 6. Cf. 31atrapi HATREATHTË Pero occurring in Logarea (v. 6).
P. 240, 1. 7 Vāgdevatä' means the goddess of speech. For. her description etc. see Tisatthimahá purisafundlanktra (Vol. I, p. 4) etc. See also P, K, Gode's article "Hamsa-vāhanii and Mayura-vāhana Sarasvati" published in “ Journal of the Indian Socity of Oriental Art" (Vol. IX, 1941).
P. 241. In some of the Mas.. of AJP and in its printal edition we come across five verses composed by Yaksadeva Muni. In the fourth verse there is meation of the three varieties of tarka, Does this torka mean a system of philosophy as is the case with the word tarka occurring in the following quotation cited by Bhimācārya in his Nyāyakos'a (pp. 317-318)?
तेच मीमांसे द्वौ तर्काविति षडू बुधाः" There is a com, by Pārs'va on Vandittrsutta known as Srāddhapratikramana and here designated as Grlusthapraticaranā. It is completed in S'aka 820. This Pars'ya refers to himself as pupil of Saidhāntiko Yaksadeva
A note Dvādas āranayacakras I am thankful to Jainācārya Vijayalabdhi Sāri, the editor of this work, for his having supplied me with the following information:
Dvadaśaranayacakra consists of only one karikā viz. fafaayo (see p. XC of this intro.). There is a bhäşya on it by Mallavādid, the author himself. Its first verse, a mangalācarana, runs as under :
"व्याप्येकस्थमनन्तमन्तवदपि न्यस्तं धियां पाटवे
व्यामोहे तु जगत्प्रतानविसृतिव्यत्यासधीरास्पदम् । वाचा भागमतीत्य वाग्विनियतं गम्यं न गम्यं कचित्
शेषन्यग्भवनेन शासनमलं जैन जयत्यूजितम् ।। १॥"
The svopajña bhāşya is commented upon by Simhanandi (or according to some Simbagūra Ksanās'ramana). The bhāsya is reconstructed by Vijayalabdhi Sūri from the pratticas given in this com.* Difficult words occurring in this com. are explained by this Sūri. The entire work will be published in four or five parts. The first may be out by next April.
1 For Guj trans. see my article "24 Fahay" published in JSP
(Yol. XII, No. 7). 2 l'or further particulars soe my article"
tafay". 3 This means a 'a twelve-spoked wheel of view.points', 4 This is named as Nyāyāgamānusāriņi'. Its opening verse is;
"जयति नयचक्रनिर्जितानिःशेषविपक्षचक्रविक्रान्तः । श्रीमल्लवादिसरिजिनवचननभस्तल विवस्वान् ॥"