Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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P. 70,1. 151
must have propounded the other view. Who that person is is a question to which I invite the attention of veteran scholars.
In the Vais'esikasūtra there is no mention of Is'vara (God) whereas the Nyäycsūtra proves His existence.
The Vais'esikas believe in the doctrine of “pilupāka' (heating of atoms) whereas the Naiyāyikas that of 'pithara pāka' (heating of molecules). Vide Dasagupta's A History of Indian Philosophy (Vol. I, pp. 305 & 327).
P. 68, I, 5. Pratiti-saciva' means one assisting conviction. This phrase occurs on p. 258, 1, 13.
P. 68, 11. 6-7. See p. 13.
P. 69, 1. 9. Nántarīyakatva' means a state of being invariably connected, inseparability. This word occurs on p. 144. I. 8 and p. 212, 1. 22.
On pp. 365, 373 and 374 and in Vol. II, p. 192, 1. 10 we come across the phrase 'nāntarīyaka'. The word 'nāntariyakatva' occurs in Patañjali's Mahābhāsya (p. Vol. II, p. 144) on Astädhyāyi (III, 3, 18). The portion in question is as under :
"कश्चिन्मासार्थी मत्स्यान् सशकलान् सकण्टकानाहरति नान्तरीयकत्वात् । स यावदादेयं तावदादाय शकलकण्टकान्युत्सृजति ! एवमिहापि”.
The same passage is repeated in the Mahābhārya (Vol. II, p. 245) to IV, 1, 92.
नान्तरीयकत्वम् = व्याप्तिः । अन्तरा विना भवम् अन्तरीयम् । अन्तरीयमेव अन्तरीयकम् । न अन्तरीयकं नान्तरीयकम् । येन विना यद न भवति तद् नान्तरीयक नियतसम्बद्धम् । तस्य भावो नान्तरीयकत्वं नियत. सम्बन्धः साहचर्यनियमो व्याप्तिर्वा ।'
P. 70, 1. 8 & p. 71, 11. 3-5. The objection raised on p. 13, 11. 6-7 is here noted and refuted.
P. 70, 1. 15. Vändhyeya' means a son of a barren woman i, e. an impossibility of which the following verse is a typical example:
"Trafometa aia: JIKUTUT: 1
एप वन्ध्यासुतो याति खपुष्पकृतशेखरः" ॥ • Vandhyāsuta', a synonym of vāndhyeya', is met with on p. 173, 1. 26; p. 346, 1. 3; p. 355, 1. 7; p. 371, 1. 7 and in Vol. II on p. 1, 1. 11; p. 28, 1. 9; and p. 141, II, 16 & 29.
"Kha-puspa' moanis a sky-flower. This word occurs in Vol. II, p. 198, 1. 5. Kha-kusuma', a synonym of kha-puspa' occurs on p. 346, 1. 3 and its another synonym äkäs'a-kusuma' on p. 323, 1. 8 and in Vol. II, on p. 216, 1. 22. Ambarăravinda', a sky-lotus, is met with in Vol. II, p. 7, 1. 17 and its synonym vyomāravinda' ou p. 81, 1. 30, 'puskarapuskara' and
1 For & parallel idea see Vacaspatimis'ra's Tālparyatīkā, a com. on
Nyāyasūtra (IV, 1, 54). For other details see my article " Prohibition of Flesh-eating in Jainisun" published in "The Roview of
Philosophy and Religion" (VoI, IV, No. 2, pp. 238-239). 2 See Prof. A. B. Gajendragadkar's Notes (p. 288) on Käyvaprakāśa. 3 Vide Apte's Dictionary.