Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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A SUPPLEMENT Date of Haribhadra-Āgamoddhäraka Anandasāgara Sûri has drawn my attention in this connection to two observations:
(i) Maladhärin Hemacandra Siri in his lippana (p. 103a) on Haribhadra’s com. (p. 634b) on Avassaya says:
"इह वक्ष्यमाणान्युत्तरादीनि नक्षत्राणि पञ्चचत्वारिंशन्मुहूर्तभोक्तृणि सार्धक्षेत्राण्युच्यन्ते सार्धदिनभोक्तणीति यावत् , एवमश्विन्यादीन्यप्येकदिनभोक्तृणि समक्षेत्राण्युच्यन्ते, शतभिषगादीनि त्वर्धदिनभोक्तृप्यपाधभोगीण्याख्यायन्ते, तेषां च किल चिरन्तनज्योतिष्कन्धेष्वित्थमेव भुक्तिरासीत्, न तु यथा साम्प्रतं सर्वाग्यप्येकदिनभोगीनीति भावः ।"
(ii) Haribhadra in his com. (p.794b) on Avassaya says :
"संवच्छरिए य आवस्सए कए पाओसिए पजोसवणाकप्पो कडिजति । सो पुण पुध्वि च अणागयं पञ्चरत्तं कहि जइ य । एसा सामायारित्ति ।"
From the first observation we learn that in Maladhārin Hemacandra's days one and all the constellations lasted for a day whereas according to old astrological works, formerly Uttarā etc, lasted for a day and a half, Asrinī etc. for a day and Satabhişag etc. for half a day. This old view is expressed by Haribhadra. Can we therefore infer that Haribhadra flourished in the age when the old view was prevalent? This age can be fixed in case we can know the exact date when the new view was propounded.
The second observation notes a date for reading Pajjosa. vānäkappa-thc date which differs from what it was previously,
portion froin this is quoted by Śânticandrat Gayi in his com, (p. 502b) on Jambuddīvapaạnatti, and the work from which this is quoted is also mentioned as Araśyakabyhadvrttitippanaka. In v. 42 quoted by Haribhadra it is said: three - Uttarás i, e. Uttaraşadhā, Uttaraphālguni & Uttarābhädrapadū, Panaryasu, Rohini and Višākhá are the six constellations lasting for 45 muhurias (a day and a half). Verses 43 & 44 mention the following 15 constellations, each lasting for a day >
Asyini, Krttikā, Mrgasir$ 2, Pusya, Magha, Phalgu, Hasta, Citra, Anuradhā, Müla, Āsādhā, Srayapa, Dhanişthā, Bhadrapada and Revati.
The 45th verso sitys that the following six constellations last for half a day:
Šatabhişaj, Bharați, Ardrā, Asleşā, Svāti and Jyesthi.