Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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P.1, 1.22]
P.1, . 21. The text is styled as prakarana' on this page and on pp. 2, 3, 8 and 10 and in Vol. II on pp. 236, 239 and 240. Prakarana' here neither stands for a dramatic work as defined in Bharata's Natyas'āstra (XVIII, 45) nor for a chapter-a division of a work; but it connotes a work in general. It is defined on p. 9, IL 14-15 In Saptapadārthi prakarana is defined as under:
" T a eina feraxi
आहुः 'प्रकरणं' नाम ग्रन्थभेदं विपश्चितः॥" The author has referred to hiinself as prakaranakära' on p. 2, 1, 23; p.3, 1. 6; p. 8,1, 9 of Vol. I and on p. 239, 1). 17. 18 & 26 of Vol. II and as granthakära on p. 8, 1. 18 of Vol. I and on p. 108, 1. 24 of Vol. II.
Looking to the availablo treatises of the Juinas, Haribhadra seems to be the first amongst them to name his work as 'prakarana'. For, we have no knowledge of any work or works of his predecessor or predecessors which have been styled by the author himself as 'prakaraua'. Gandhahastin Siddhasena Gani in his com. ( Pt. II, p. 78) to Vācakavarya Umāsvāti's Tattvārthādhigamasutra (VII, 10) anil its svopajña Bhasya, mentions S'arcaprakarand as one of the treatises composed by Umāsvāti. But it remains to be ascertained whether this work was so named by Umäsväti himself or not. He has, no doubt, used the word 'prakarana' in his Bhðsya (p. 93) as already noted in the intro. (p. XIII) of Vol. I of AJP.
The word 'prakarana' is explained in anothor context by Vādin Devą Sūri in his Syüdvādaratnākara (p. 7) as under :
"वर्णात्मकं पदम् । पदात्मक सूत्रम् । सूवसमूहः प्रकरणम् । प्रकरणसमूहो यथासमयं परिच्छेदो वा पदो वा आडिकं वा अध्यायो वा तत्समूहश्च शास्त्रमिति शास्त्रलक्षणम् ।"
The word pagarana (Sk. prakarara) occurs in Visesīvassayabhāsch (v. 1115%), and the commentator Hemacandra explains it as a division of a work. Similarly 'payarana' is not with, in the spopajña vrttia of Siddhahemacandra (VIII, 1, 246). There it means a topic as is the case with this word 'prakarang' occurring on p. 303 of AJP.
P. 1, I. 22. The author has here referred to himself in the plural number; but he has given no explanation about it on p. 8, 1. 18. He has used the plural number for himself several times e. g. on pp. 38, 59, 65, 79, 81, 82, 125, 152, 186, 237, 244, 274, 2794, 286, 302, 324, 327, 351, 362,
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तदनुसरता सुई चिय घेप्पड गहियं इदं गेझं ॥१११५॥" 2 "r e-2TV 1 RX 11" It means the topic of the declension of
and se 3 For discussion about 'prakarana' in Gujarāti see my article
"Prakarana" published in "Jaina dharma prakåsa" (Vol. LXII,
No. 7, pp. 240-244 ). 4 Here (p. 279) the word eft:' is explained in 1, 3 a9 ai, and the
same is done in Vol. II, p. 206, 1. 14.