Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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[P. 4, 1:3
· P. 4, 1. 3. As'oka, a homonym, here means a kind of tree. Its Pāiya equivalent. tasoga' occurs in Ovavażya. The Desī' word for it is. kankilli' or tarikelli'. The former occurs in Supasanähacamya (p. 556) and Viyorasārapayarana (v. 461 ) and the latter in Rayanāualī (II, 12, 404). . According to the convention of the poets this tree puts forth towers when it receives kicks from young beautiful ladies. See Kumārasambhava (III, 26'), Meghadūta (II, 15) and Raghuvams'a (VIII, 62). The flower of this tree is considered as one of the five arrows of Cupid. In Appendix II (Botanical Notes) to Trişaştis'alākāpuruşacaritra (Vol. II) we have:
It Asoka. Saraca indica, a tree with beautifull red blossoms which are . . very fragrant at night". Some details about this tres are given in “Buddhi-prakās'a" (Vol. 86, No. I, pp 73-76). On p. 73 it is said that this As'oka tree cannot be identified with the tre known as regions in Gujarāti. This has been discussed in " Kumār" (Nos. 119 & 121). .: P. 4, 1. 3. Prätihārya' means an act of devotion of those gods who are attached to a Tirtharlara. In Tiloyapannatti (IV, 915-927) there is a description of eight prätéhāryas. For explanation see JRL (Vol. II, ch. XIV). For details see my "Notes” (pp. 159-164) on THTRIATHIRI ATE TIÑET PTOLERANTE (Vol. II) and my article "metarat" published in "Vīras'âsana" (Vol. XV, No. 19). For comparation see Mabāvagga' of Vinayapitaka where there is mention of 15 camatkâras-prätihāryas.
P. 4, 11. 19-22. This verse occurs as a quotation in Haribhadra's com. (p. 6) on Nandi. The corresponding Pāïya verse in Viyarasärapayarana is :
“ककिल्लिकुसुमबुट्टि दिव्वझुणी चामरासणाई च ।
भामण्डलमेरिछत्तं जयन्ति जिणपाडिहेराई ।। ४६१॥" P. 5, 1. 17. Pudgala' is one of the six substances (dravyas ) of the Jaina philosophy. It is inanimate and possesses colour, taste, sm touch. In short, it can be rendered into English as matter'. Sound (o'abda), darkness etc. are its instances.
. This word pudgala' should not be confounded with pudgala of Buddhism; for, the latter is the same as åtman of Jainism. For details see IRL (Vol. I, pp. 54-55).
P. 5, 1. 17. Bhāsā-vargaqa' is one of the varganās. This word occurs on p. 328, L. 5. Vargana' means a category, & class, a group or the like. Here it means & group consisting of the same number of homogenious paramānua of matter.
" Paramānus which are found alone--in an uncombined state-not even as molecules, form the first varganā. All the aggregates (skandhas)
i "EG.HT: AT17: Hat Ta Barat 1
पादेन नापैक्षत सुन्दरीणां सम्पर्कमासिनितनपुरेण ॥ २६ ॥"