Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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P. 5,1. 221
P. 5, 1. 18. By 'para' are here meant probably the Vais'esikas. For, it is well-known that they believe that s'abda' is not matter and advance the following reasons to support their view:
(i) It rests in something which is intangible i. e, in ākās'a. (ü) It experiences no obstruction in the way of going in or out even
in a crowded place. (iii) It does not admit of being analyzed into successive parts. (iv) It does not give a push even to any fine corporeal drgvya. (v) It is a quality of ākās'uwhich is not matter.
These reasons are shown to be ill-based in SM (com. on y. 14) where it is established that s'abda is corporeal (paudgalika). See also my translation (pp. 93-99) of NK.
P. 5, II. 19-20. Stargatuar Jainism admits seven tattvas i, e. principles-- realities-- categories viz, (i) soul, (ii) non-soul, (iii) influx of kārnika matter into the soul, (iv) bondage (of the soul by this matter), (v) stoppage (of the influx), (vi) dissipation (of the kārmika matter) and (vii) liberation (of the soul from matter). For their exposition see JRL (Vol. I, pp. 58-71).
P.5, 1, 22. An object is not within the range of words. This is the view of the Bauddhas.
P. 5, 1, 22. Bauddha' is the name given to the followers of Buddhism of which Gautama Buddha is the historical founder. He was born near Kapilavastu, & city of Magadha (the southern part of modern Bihār). His father's name was S'uddbodana and that of his mother Māvădevi. The name of the vansa (race) of Suddhodana was S'ákya and that of his gotra (lineage) Gautama. This has led to Lord Buddha being designated as S'auddhodani, Māyāsūnu, Sākyasimha and Gautama. His followers are known as Māyāsūnaviyas', s'akalikacīvarakusa, Säkyas* ete. Buddha wag married to Yas'odharā who, in course of time, gave birth to a son known as Rähula. On being convinced of the worthlessness, transitoriness and miserableness of the world, Buddha renounced the world. According to the Bauddhas, he subsequently became omniscient and finally attained nirvana in 4865 B. C.
1 Vācaspatimitra (c. 9th century) in his Sankhyatattvakaumudi (com.
on v. 22 of Sankhyakārika) Bays: chi gu". This is the
view of the Mimārisakas, too. Soe “Notea" on p. 19, 1. 29. 2 See Gandhahastin Siddhasona Gari's corn. (pt. I, pp. 70, 232 and
354) to TS. 3 Ibid., pt. I, p. 30. On p. 123 of pt. II a Bauddha is referred to as
Sugatasişya'. 4 See p. 35 of AJP, 5 See t aitaa sitt for (p. 160) by Muni Kalyapavijaya.