Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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P. 4,1.31
discussed the problem of the necessity of the mangalācarana and its modus operandi. Further, he has mentioned the following sources in connection with the mangalavāda:
- Tattvacintamani, Nyāyakaustubha, Nyāyamañjari, Muktavali and its commentaries.
Prof. A. B. Gajendragadkar has quoted from Dipika, Patañjali's Mahābhāgya and Abhina vagupta's Locand on Dhvanyāloka (p. 1) in his “Notes” (p. 151 ) on KP. Here he has said on the basis of these authorities that the mangala removes the obstacles not only of the author but also of those who expound and study it. Thus it is useful to three kinds of people: (i) its author, (ii) its teachers and (iii) its students.
As regards the Jaina sources, I may mention Visesa", Gunadhara's Kasāyapähudu and its commentaries and Yativrsabha's Tiloyapannatta (I, 8-27). For other details see my "Notes" on p. 239 of Vol. II of AJP.
P. 3, s. 17. *H' occurs in Kotyācārya's com. (p.5) on Visesa”.
P. 3, 1). 19-20. Haribhadra as a commentator has here first given the sum and substance (samudāyārth) of v. 1-10 and has then explained the same word by word (avayavārtha). He has adopted this very method on p. 167 but the opposite one in Vol. II, on p. 29. Instead of the phrase sanudāyārtha ne has used at times the phrases pindārtha(p. 350 & Vol. JI, p. 167 ), cidamparya (pp. 364, 370 & 380 ), bhāvonika (Vol. II, p. 14). and bhavārtho (Vol. II, p. 29). Municandra Sūri has used the phrase paramārtha on pp. 306, 332 and 378 and abhisandhi (Vol. II, p. 7). in this sense and aksarayojana for avayavārtha on (7). 306).
The method of giving both samudāyārtha and avayavártha seems to be a favourite one with our author; for, in his several works he has done so. e. g. in Das'avaikālikavyakhya (p. 9b), Nandittkā (pp. 23-27 ) and S'āstrovártásamu.ccayavivarana (p. 1b). Various other Jaina commontators, Kotyācārya (vide his com. p. 2 on Visesc), Abhayadeva Sūri, Drona Sūrió and Vādin Deva Sūri, to mention a few out of many, have adopted this method. Even Candrakirti, & Bauddha commentator, has done so in his com. (p. 4) on Nāgärjuna's Madhyamakärila.
P.4, 1. 3. "Sakra' is the name of the Indra of Saudharma devalokat, one of the heavens according to Jainism.
1 In the Hindi intro. (pt. 1, pp. 86-89 ) to this Kasāyapāhuga (Vol. I)
published along with Yativrsabha's Cunni and Virasena's Jayadha
vala we have the discussion of mangalavāda in Hindi. 2 This may remind & Bauddha scholar of Jinamitra's Nyāyabindu
pindartha which was translated into Tibetan in 840 A.D. 3 "तस्य च भावत्वादिति गाथासमुदायार्थः । अवयवार्थस्तु सामायिकविशेषविवरणादवसेयः।" 4 In Anuyogadvāravivsti (p. 2) Haribhadra says:
"अस्य सूत्रस्य समुदायार्थोऽक्यवाधैश्च नम्बध्ययनटीकायां प्रपञ्चतः प्रतिपादित एवेति नेह
प्रतिपाद्यत इति ।" 5 See his com, (p. 1b) on Ohanijjustti.