Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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mithyūtva by correction. With minor changes' it can be turned into a fine prahasana of open satire';'
Satire as a form of literature is not to be found in early Indian literature, though here and there satirical lashes brandhished against vices, follies etc. are seen. This is not the place to dilate upon it, much less to mention satirical writings in the Indian languages old and modern. Suffice it to say that Dr. S. K. De has written an article “Satirical Poems in Sanskrit" Ramanbhai M. Nilkanth and his wife have defined and illustrated satire in their Gujarāti work Hásyamandira (pp. 93-1124; 2nd edn. 1926). Dr. Upadhye has dealt with this subject in English and have examined to some extent the following works :
Dasakumāracarita, "Bharatakadvātrimsikā, Kuttinīmata, Samayamātrkā, Darpadalana, Kalāvilāsa, Hāsyacūdāmaņi, Mukundānanda, Caturbhāņi', Mattavilāsa, Latakamelaka and Dhürtasamagama.
Satire is thus seen in some poems and plays. Satirical verses in Samskrta and Pāïya may be collected from anthologies and from examples illustrating vyāja-stuti,
Dhuttakkhāna as a satirical work holds an important
1 Ibid., p. 24. 2 This article is published in "The Indian Culturo" (Vol. VIII,
No, I, pp. 1-8). 3 Herein the article on Satire published in the Encyclopeedia
Britanica (9th & Ilth edn.) is utilized. 4 Pagos 110-112 deal with caricature as a branch of satire. 5 Some of the chappas of Akho, oābakhās (satirical lashog) of Bhojo
and Kadavi vāni of Sundaram are some of the satirical works in Guj. 6 The Saiva monks are satirized by means of stories which illustrate
their moral depravity and stupidity. 7 Dr. S. K. De has written a "Note on the Sanskrit Monologue
Play (Bhāna) with epecial Reference to the Caturbhäni", and it is published in JRAS (pp. 63-90, 1926 A. D.). He has also written “The Sanskrit Prahagana". Vide "The Poona Orientalist"
(Vol. VII, Nos. 3-4, pp. 149–156). 8 In A History of Urdu Literature by Ram Babu Saksena satires
of Sauda are discussed on p. 64 and those of Insha and Mushafli are noted on p. 91.