Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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Bhadanta Subhagupta is mentioned in the Pañjikā on Tattvasangraha on pp. 551, 552, 556, 567, 570, 572, 574 and 582, and he is quoted on pp. 551 and 582 as under:
"प्रत्येकं परमाणूनां स्वातच्येणास्ति सम्भवः ।
अतोऽपि परमाणूनामेकैका प्रतिभासनम् ॥" - p. 551 "श्रीयानत्वेन संसाध्ये यज्ज्ञानात्वादिसाधनम् । विजातीयाविरुद्धत्वात् सर्व शेषवदुच्यते ॥" - p. 582
In the Foreword to Tattvasañgraha (p. LXXXV) this Subhagupta is assigned a date 650 A. D. to 700 A. D., and his opinion is noted there (p. LXXXV) as under:
"the outward objects are nothing but crowds of atoms, but they are not cognized as moro atoms because the atoms always combine themseleys in crowds. The cognition of an object as one and non-atomic is wrong. He also held that even though the Vijnanas are devoid of the forms of the out. ward objects, they can indeed reflect them, as the Vijnanas are nothing but the cognition of outward objects. He further held that the objective world can be proved by perception as well as by inference because in our daily life we are always perceiving the objects. The object must be existing because we are constantly obtaining the expected offects from these objects".
Santarakṣita (c. 749 A.D.)
Santarakṣita is mentioned by Haribhadra in his com. to S'astravārtāsamuecaya (D.L.J.P.F., p. 140) while discussing and refuting kṣaṇikavāda. This Santarakṣita seems to be none else than the author of Tattvasangraha and Vadanyāyavṛttivipañcitārtha'. His date has been settled by Dr. S. C. Vidyabhusana as about 749 A. D.
He is referred to as 'Vadimukhya' in AJP (Vol. I, p. 375) while his name Samantabhadra is specifically mentioned in its com. (Vol. I, p. 375). Moreover, in the text are quoted two verses from some work of Samantabhadra. They are:
"बोधात्मता चेच्छब्दस्य न स्यादन्यत्र तच्छ्रुतिः । यद् बोद्धारं परित्यज्य न बोधोऽन्यत्र गच्छति ॥
न च स्यात् प्रत्ययो लोके यः श्रोत्रा न प्रतीयते । शब्दाभेदेन सत्येवं सर्वः स्यात् परचित्तवित् ॥”
1 Vadanyaya of Dharmakirti along with this com. is published by Mahabodhi Sabha, Benares in 1936 A. D.