Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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ference of fire from smoke relates to particulars and not to universals. Vindhyavasin is mentioned in Dikpradā (p. 32a), SM (com. on v. 15), TRD (p. 42a) and Devabhadra's Tippana (p. 97). In the last three works the following verse is attributed to him:
“पुरुषोऽविकृतात्मैव स्वनिर्भासमचेतनम् ।
मनः करोति सानिध्यादुपाधिः स्फटिकं यथा ॥१॥
Four verses quoted on pp. 71-72 of AJP are said to be from the pen of the Vṛddhas. Have these Vṛddhas anything to do with Vṛddhacarya mentioned in the com. (p. 52) on Nandi (vide p. LX of this intro.)? A similar question may be asked about 'vṛddhas' referred to in Lalitavistarāpañjikā (p. 89b) and Nyayavṛddhas' mentioned on p. 22 of AJP (Vol. II). On p. 74, 1. 25 there is mention of vṛddha-granthas. What do they refer to?
He is referred to as 'bhāṣyakara' in the com. (p. 70) of AJP (Vol. II). He quotes the author of the vṛtti of the Pārva-mimāṁsā, who may be either Upavarṣa or Bodhayana. The Vṛttikara refers to sūnyavāda and niralambanavāda of the Bauddhas, the schools which are now dated before Nagarjuna and Vasubandhu. So a date earlier than 400 A. D. can
1 This occurs in Lalitavistarapañjikā (p. 61b, DLJP). 2 This may remind one of the title of elder Vasubandhu.
3 He along with Bhavadasa and Bhartṛmitra is mentioned by V. A. Ramaswami Sastri in "Old Vṛttikaras on the Purva Mimămsā” published in IHQ (Vol. X, No. 3).
He has written Madhyamikakärikä and Vigrahavyāvartinikärikā. These two works seem to have been seen by Siddhasena Diväkara. This is what one may infer from his Dvätrimśikä III, 5, 20 & 21. As regards the life and works of Nagarjuna see Literary History of Sanskrit Buddhism (pp. 89-94). This Nagarjuna is different from Tantrika Nagarjuna who flourished in 645 A.D. The 15th karika of Madhyamikakarika is quoted by Maladharin Hemacandra in his com. (p. 724) on Visesā" (v. 1694), and two (pratyaya-parīkṣā v. I and sausketa-pariksa v. 31) by Prabhácandra in Nyayakumudacandra (p. 132) and by Vădia Dova Suri in Syadvaduratnäkara (pt. I, p. 181 & p. 182 resp.). Bhavasankrantisutra and Nagarjuna's Bhavasankrantisastra with the com. of Maitreyanatha and Eng. trans. by N. Aiyaswami are published in the Adyar Library Series in 1938 A.D. and Eng. trans. of Vigrahavyavartini in G.O.S. No. IL.