Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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preceded him. This makes us infer that Sankara was not a predecessor of Haribhadra; and, in that case the late Mr. Tilak's view about Sankara's life-period is correct.
It may be noted en passant that the Tão sect is based upon the preachings of Laotze, a contemporary of Confuscius (550 B. C.-478 B. C.). The philosophy of this sect greatly resembles Sankara-vedanta. The Kevaladvaita and Mäyäväda of Sankara are present in this philosophy. Vide a âm (p. 25; fn. 21).
Origin of Svopajña Commentary
When an author composes a com. on his own work, that com. is called svopajña in Samskṛta. Haribhadra has furnished us with such a com, on AJP. A question may be here raised, if he is the first. Jaina to compose a svopajña com. The answer to this question is in the negative; for, several other Jaina authors anterior2 to him have done so.
According to the Jaina tradition Mahavira went on preaching holy sermons, and each of his Ganadharas composed a dvddasangi; but nowhere is any one of them referred to as having written a com. on any of the 12 Angas (a similar remark holds good in the case of the Uvangas and the Mulasuttas). It is true that a Gaṇadhara while teaching his disciples explained the meaning of his duadasangi, but this explanation is not preserved in the very words used by him. So for practical purposes it may be inferred that a svopajña com. did not exist for the Angas. As the first svopajña Samskṛta com. that is preserved till this day, may be pointed out Umasvati's Bhasya on his TS. Amongst the Païya ones
1 Akalanka, too, has refuted in his Tattvärthavārtika and its svopajña com. arguments advanced against anekantavāda. The peculiarity of this work lies in the fact that every statement is made from the stand-point of anekāntavāda.
2 Amongst the Bauddhas Vasubandhu has written a Bhasya on his own Abhidharmakosa (Faibhäṣikakārikā). Nagarjuna has similarly commented upon his Madhyamikakārikā and Vigrahavyāvartanī. The latter is translated into English and published in Gaekwad's Oriental Series as No. 49.