Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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Vasubanlleu ( 280 A.D.-360 A.D.) He was born in Gāndhāra. He began his career as a Vaibhāșika teacher but had strong Sautrāntika sympathies and was later on converted to Yogācāra? by his brother Asanga, a pupil of Maitreyanātha. Sanghabliadra" (280 A. D.-350 A. D.) and Manoratha, the Vaibhāşika teachers were his contemporaries. He died at the age of eighty. During his life he is said to have composed the following thirty works :
(1) RATRATE!, (2) rah#lar*, (3) F#fefde viata, (4) 37231hacten, (5) adala', (6) fantazinde, (7) 742TE", (8) #andaralan, (9) Aainananatalcar 1972, (10) qaEFFI&T, (11) 9671 PE, (12) gallantSTEETUPA', (13) Antengana, (14) eraztu?) 211, (15) HeigRaaiorgerna, ( 16 ) AETATO Hallica", (17) ARIAFORCED oren'', (18) TEETTTHATH, (19) 9928 TETITZAraire",
1 This mental evolution of Vasubandhu curiously agrees with the
historical sequence of the four schools of Buddhism. So says
Dr. A. B. Dhruva in his intro. (p. LXX) to SM. 2 Some say that he and the translator of Samanta pūsädike and
Vibhāsāvinaya in Chinese in 488 A, D. and 489 A. D. are two
different persons; others hold a contrary view. 3 This is a short treatise on the Sukhāvativyūha. 4 This is published along with Rahula Sankrtyayana's com, named
Nalandika in Sanval 1988. The text refutes the views of the Vaibhasikas. Thore is a coui, on it by the author himself as some of the scholars say. There is another com. on it called Sphuţartha by Yašomitra.. He has referred to two earlier commentators Gunamati and Vasumitra. This Vasumitr& is different from Vasumitra of the council of Kanişka, whose views are referred to by
Vasubanduu. 5 See G, 0. S. No. XLIX. 6 This is a com. on cb. XXII Sch. XXVI of Buddhavalanisamahavat.
pulyasutra. 7 This name is coined by me. 8 This is a com. on the sutra of the same name. 9 This work named as HIQET THATe, a Sk. translation from its
Chinese version of Hiuen Thsang, is published along with Alambanapariksi etc. on pp. 111-115 in the "Adyar Library Series No. 32". It is a list of the technical terms used in the first division of Yoya. carabhumiśastra, a work of Asanga according to Dr. B. Bhattacharyya (vide his foreword p. LXX to Tattvasangraha), but, according to
Prof. Troci (vide JRAS, 1929, October ), that of his guru Maitreya, 10-11 Each is a com, ve some work of Asariyat