Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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on Nyāyāvatāravrtti has mentioned Viniscaya on pp. 17 and 37, and on the latter page he has specifically mentioned the name of Dharmakirti as the author of this work. Dr. P. L. Vaidya takes Viniscaya to be the same as Pramānaviniscaya and looks upon as quotations from this work, seven verses occurring in this sippana and having the following pratīkas:
apati atto (p. 12), Tere Hifto (p. 89), fantao (p. 12), arzialeta (p. 12), Horseta. (p. 37), 291 297. (p. 37), ahtauto (p. 17).
He has further suggested with a query the name of Pramānaviniscaya as the source of the four verses quoted in the sippana and having the following pratikas :
mdi Ara. (p. 87), anaand 7o (p. 83), Taio (p. 8), and media (p. 31).
On p. 11 of this pippana we have: "77 Rafetarai TATTT:- & Fanta". On its p. 30 there is a mention of "Viniscayatīkā' and on p. 58 that of ‘Pramāņaviniscayațīkā'.
Hemacandra in his Viveka (p. 363) on Kävyānusāsana says: "ar api FaAnti Thai a fa hei:". The vèrse here referred to is given on p. 382 as under :
“लावण्यद्रविणव्ययो न गणितः क्लेशो महान् स्वीकृतः
स्वच्छन्दस्य सुखं जनस्य वसतश्चिन्तानलो दीपितः । एषाऽपि खयमेव तुल्यरमणाभावाद् वराकी हता
कोऽर्थश्चेतसि वेधसा विनिहितस्तन्व्यास्त, तन्वता? ॥ In the intro. (p. 25) to Akalankagranthatraya it is said that a major portion of Akalarka's works deals with refutations of the Bauddhas. "TEITSFHATHICHT FISHISHI:” occurring in Pramanaviniscaya is quoted in AJP (Vol. II, p. 51) and in Astasali (Asfasahasri, p. 242), and the idea embodied in it is refuted in both of these works.
The 1st kārikā of Vādanyāya beginning with ERIK is met with in Nyāyaviniscaya, Siddhiviniscaya and Astašati (p. 81).
The first verse of Santānāntarasiddhi is quoted in Tattvārtharājavārtika (p. 19).
1 He is mentioned by Siddharşi in his com. (p. 2) on Nyāyāvatāra. 2 This refers to R. C. Parikh's eda, published by "Sri Mahavira Jaina
Vidyālaya", Bombay, in 1938 A. D. 3 It ooours as V, 1472 in Subhāşită vali.