Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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Patañjali, the grammarian This Patanjali is the author of Mahābhāsya. Some attribute to him the authorship of Yogasūtra, Caraka, Nidâncsūtra, Paramärthasära and Chandahsütra. K. Madhava Krishna Sarma in his article “Patañjali and his relation to some authors and worksı” says that it is not correct to look upon him as the author of the last two works. He argues :
Patañjali is satkāryavādin' and not anirvacanīyavādin' as can be seen from his Mahābhāsya on I, 1, 1'. Further, in this work on IV, 1,3% there is a realistic conception of matter. This can hardly fit in with the idealism of Šeşanāga's Paramarthasāram which is a work pertaining to a Seśvara (Vaişņava) and idealistic type of the Sankhya philosophy. Further, how is it that Bhartrhari who wrote Vākyapadiya to elaborate the philosophical portions of the Mahâbhâsya and who tried to give an idealistic turn to grammatical speculations and who quoted from $astitantra', does not quote a single verse from Paramarthasāra ?
As regards Pingalanāga’s Chandańsūtra Sarma argues:
Pingalanäga is referred to by Sabara in his Bhāşya on I, 1, 5 in a way that shows that Sabara has more regard for him than for Patañjali, the grammarian whose views as such are against the Mimāṁsakas. This means that Sabara considers Pingalanāga as different from Patañjali. Further, if they were identical, the metre of the following verse quoted in the Mahābhūşya on I, 1, 57 would have been noted and defined in Chandahsūtra :
I This is published in "The Indian Culture" Vol. XI, No. 2 (Oct.
Dec. 1944). 2 For the pertinent quotation see p. 265.-Ibid. 3 "सर्वाश्च पुनर्मूर्तय एक्मात्मिका: संस्त्यानप्रसवगुणाः शब्दस्पर्शरूपरसगन्धवत्यः। यत्राल्पीयांसो
गुणास्तत्रावरतस्त्रयः शब्दः स्पशी रूपमिति । रसगन्धौ न सर्वत्र । प्रवृत्तिः खल्वपि नित्या । न हीह कश्चित् स्वस्मिन्नात्मनि मुहूर्तमप्यवतिष्ठते वर्धते वा यावदनेन वर्धितव्यमपायेन वा युज्यते ।
Jer 1"-Kiellorn's edı. (Vol. II, p. 198). 4 This is also called Ādhārakārikās and Āryāpañcaśīti. 5 Vrsabhadeva in his com, on Vakyapadiya takes the following quotation as belonging to Şastitantra:
"इदं फेनो न कश्चिद वा बुबुदोकान कश्चन । मायैषा बत दुष्पारा विपश्चिदिति पश्यति ।।"