Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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by Prof. Randle whereas those found in Parthasarathimiśra's com. on Slokavārtika by H. R. Rangaswamy.
He is referred to in Vol. I on p. 84, 1. 13. It seems he is Bauddha and is the author of Syādvādabhanga. This work may remind one of İsvarabhangakārikā of Kalyāṇarakṣita, a Bauddha writer of the nineth century A.D.
Haribhadra has referred to Dharmakirti and his Pramānavārtika in his com. on AJP (vide Appendix II). In S'astravārtāsamuccaya (X, 24, p. 372), too, his name is mentioned. Dharmakirti who is at times referred to as Kirti, is also mentioned in Brhadāraṇyakopaniṣadvārtika of Suresvara3, pupil of Sankaracarya.
From Carmaratnarāja's Bhagavad-Buddha-Jivanacarita written in the Tibetan language we learn that Dinnāga and Dharmakirti were pupils of Arya Asanga" who taught them logic. This Asanga is the elder brother of Bhadanta Vasubandhu, the author of Abhidharmakosa. He flourished in the latter part of the 3rd century A. D. So Kalyāṇavijaya infers that Asanga, Vasubandhu, Dinnaga and Dharmakirti must have respectively existed from 250-300 A. D., 260-340 A. D., in 320 A. D. and in 349 A. D. According to Prof. K. H.
There is an another Divakara, his namesake, who is referred to as 'Natyasalapati' by Śāradātanaya (c. 1150-1250 A.D.) and who is the guru of the latter in dramaturgy. One Diväkara, a Jaina, is the author of Śṛāgāra-vairāgya-tarañgiņī published in 1916 A. D.
2 See Candras'ekhara's Hind! intro. (p. 16) to Nyayabindu and
its com.
3 In 'ankaramandârasaurabha Sures'vara's birth-date is stated to be Kalyabda 3889 i. e. Samvat 845 i. e. 788 A. D.
4 According to Pandit Kasinath Tailang he was a contemporary of King Parpavarman and flourished in the 6th century of the Christian era. This view is not correct. See p. XV of this intro.
5 Others believe that Dharmakirti was a pupil of Dharmapala who retired in 635 A. D.
6 He is said to have introduced Tantricism in Buddhism, and it was transmitted from preceptor to pupil up to Dharmakirti, in the most secret manner.