Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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in J. A. in 1929 A. D." The second work is its com. Fragments of these works are quoted in Sankarabhasya on Brahmasutra (II, ii, 28 ) and in the Pāñjikā (p. 582) of Tattvasangraha.
Nyāyapravesa is same as Nyāyapravesako noted on P. XLVI. From the Chinese and Tibetan sources it appears that this work is named as Nyāyapravesadāstra, Pramānasõstra*nyāyapravesa, Pramananyāyapraveśadvārd, Hetuvidyātorkard
stra etc. If this is correct it follows that Nyayapravesa is same as Pramānasõstra-nyāyapravesa. Pandit Vidhushekhara looks upon this Nyāyapravesa as Nyāyadvāra, but Dr. Tucci says that he is wrong. Nyāyamukha? was restored from its Chinese translation by Dr. Tucci in 1930 A. D. I think this Nyāyamukha also named as Nyāyadvāra is the work of Dinnāga.
Pramanasamuccaya is the master-piece of Dinnāga. It is a work in six paricchedas in Anuştubh. His scattered works like Nyāyadvåra and Hetucakradamaru are woven into it in a systematic manner. H. R. Rangaswamy Iyengar has restored its first chapter and edited it along with its Tibetan text, copious extracts from Dinnāga's com. on it and Jinendrabuddhi's Visölcīmalavati-tikā", both of which are available only in Tibetan." In this edition there is a picture of Dinnāga based on a pensketch on the folio of the Tibetan Xylograph Mdoce.
Vādavidhi is mentioned in Pramānasamuccaya (I, 14) and its com. on I, 18, and two verses from Hetucakradamaru in Chapter III.
Hetucakradamaru also known as Hetucakra is a small treatise on fornal logic and contains two independent chapters, one dealing with the minor terms and the other with hetus.
No work of Dinnāga written in Saṁskrta has been available so far. Quotations from his works occurring in Nyāyam vārtika and its com.? by Vācaspatimiśra are collected and edited
1 A new edn. is published in Adyar Library Series. It contains the
text, the spopajña vrtti and Dharmapala's com, 2 It is published in Wallaser's "Materials" Series. 3 Here Nyāyadvare is mentioned. See p. 3. 4 On pp. 77 and 80 Madhava, a Sarkhya philosopher is meutioned. 5 This is published by the Mysore University iu 1930 A, D. 6 These along with one other verse from this work are quoted in
Tātparyetikë. 7 In Milperyarika (.. 103) there is inontion of Varşaganya. .