Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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LXXY The following verse occurring in S'āstra vārtāsamuccaya is probably from some Sānkhya work:
“पञ्चविंशतितत्त्वज्ञो यत्र तत्राश्रमे रतः । जटी मुण्डी शिखी वाऽपि मुच्यते नात्र संशयः ॥"
Īsvarakrsna? He is the celebrated author of Sankhyakārikā also known as Sankhyasaptati, a Samskặta work in 70 verses in Aryā. This work is based upon Şastitantra, and it is expounded by Mathara' and Gaudapāda, and it contains all that is there, less the parables and the controversies with other schools. Kapila taught the Sarkhya system to Asuri and Aşuri taught it to Pañcaśikha who amplified it. From the last named the system pagsed down, from master to pupil, to Bhārgava, Ulūka, Vālmiki, Harita, Devala and others and finally to īśvarakļşņa (340-90 A.D.).*
Umāsvāti As regards his life and works the reader may refer to my introductions to my edition of TS published in two volumes.
Kālātīta He is referred to in v. 300 of Yogabindu. That the nature of God etc. should be thought of dispassionately is the view held by him. He has composed some work, and the following seven verses occurring in Yogabindu are from his per :
"अन्येषामप्ययं मार्गो मुक्ताविद्यादिवादिनाम् ।
अभिधानादिभेदेन तत्त्वनीत्या व्यवस्थितः ॥ ३०१॥ मुको बुद्धोऽर्हन वाऽपि यदैश्वर्येण समन्वितः । तदीश्वरः स एव स्यात् सज्ञाभेदोऽत्र केवलम् ॥ ३०२॥ अनादिशुद्ध इत्यादिर्यश्च भेदोऽस्य कल्प्यते । तत्तत्तत्रानुसारेण मन्ये सोऽपि निरर्थकः ॥ ३०३ ॥ विशेषस्यापरिज्ञानाद् युक्तीनां जातिवादतः ।
प्रायो विरोधतश्चैव फलाभेदाच भावतः ॥ ३०४ ॥ i Soep. LXX111, fn. 3. 2 Dr. A. B. Dhruva equates this with Ranagasattari mentioned in
Anuogaddāra (9. 41 ) and Nandı (s. 42). Vide his intro. (p. XLIX)
to SM. 3 His oom. in mentioned as Mādhara in Anuogaddāra (8. 41 ) and
Nandi (s. 42). 4 Soo Sankhyakārika (v. 70-71) and Matharavrtti on its v. 71, $ In its com. (p. 53) fattfand is mentioned.