Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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अवियाक्लेशकर्मादि यतश्च भवकारणम् । ततः प्रधानमेवैतत् सज्ञामेदमुपागतम् ॥ ३०५ ॥ अस्यापि योऽपरो भेदश्चित्रोपाधिस्तथा तथा । गीयतेऽतीतहेतुभ्यो धीमतां सोऽप्यपार्थकः ॥ ३०६ ॥ ततोऽस्थानप्रयासोऽयं चत् तद्भेदनिरूपणम् । सामान्यमनुमानस्य यतश्च विषयो मतः ॥ ३०७ ॥"
Kukkācārya He is twice referred to in the svopajña com. (Vol. I, pp. 8 and 42) on AJP. The pertinent lines are:
(a) "Surau Arant ant rangefarar framuntana start " (b) “rinefa-arrecalled stro-facan?"
From (a) it follows that Kukkācārya is a predeoexgor of Haribhadra, and that he has composed some prakarang or prakaranas. No work of his is found so far.
From (b) it can be inferred that Haribhadra not only differs from Kukkācārya but he refutes his view in this connection.
Kumārila He is referred to in the com. on S'ästravārtásamuccaya (7.585). He is the well-known author of Vārtikas (supplementary commentaries) called S'lokavārtikaand Tantra-vārtika' on Sabara's Bhâsya on Jaiminiyasūtra®. He is particularly famous for his strong criticism of the Bauddha logic and philosophy. He has been criticized in Tattvasangraha. This furnishes us with the lower limit of his date. Dr. A. B, Dhruva and some other scholars believe that Kumārila's criticism of Dharmakīrti supplies us with the upper limit of his date. Mahendrakumāra in his intro. (p. 18) to Akalankagranthatraya challenges the view of Dr. Vidyabhusan and Prof. Ramanath Shastri* who
1-2 These two are the two khandas of his com., and the third is
known as I'up-tākā. Iu Tantravārtika Bhartshari's piows are
refuted. 3 Bhartrmitra, Bhavadăsa, Hari and Upavarşa have each written &
com. on it; but none of them has been available up till now. 4 He has written an intro. to Brhati (pt. II) published by the
University of Madras. He has pointed out four verses from Mimänsäslokavārtika to support his view. They are v. 76 (p. 69), v. 131 (p. 83), v. 36 (p. 144) and y, 131 (p. 280).