Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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is utilized in composing Sisyahita. So says Dr. A.. M. Ghatge in his article "Narrative Literature in Jaina Mähäräștri.'
The late Prof. Ernst Leumann in his Übersicht der Avasyaka-Literatur (p. 37, fn.) has observed as under:
"Es ist nicht unmöglich, dass die Silbe ynim in letzter Linie ein verlesenes Anusvara-Zeichen darstellt. Der sie enthaltende Satz hat nämlich in vedischen Handschriften zur Zeit etwa folgendes Aussehen gregàr vỷ að. Im achten Jahrhundert oder früher mag der hier vorliegende Anusvara 25 eine Form gehabt habon, die ein Jaina, dem derselbe nicht bekannt sein konnte, mit gnim richtig wiederzugeben meinte. Es müsste dann nachträglich des Zusammenhangs wegen noch ein Punkt über angebracht worden sein". This means that according to him the Jaina writers mistook (a symbol of the Vaidika literature) for fi, probably because this symbol presented an appearance like it in the eighth century A. D. or prior to it and because they did not know this symbol. Consequently these writers read as in the expression y etc. This view of the late German scholar does not appear sound. For, how can we believe that Haribhadra, a Brahmana by birth and an erudite scholar of the Jaina and non-Jaina systems of philosophy, be ignorant about this symbol and explain it as an ornament to the sentence ("मिमिति वाक्यालङ्कारे” ) in his Avasyakasūtravivṛti (p. 244a) and not note it as a symbol? The late Dr. K. P. Jayasval in his article "Problems of Saka-Satavahana History" has said on p. 251 that the Śaka ruler defeated by Satakarni (Gautamiputra) and driven out of Avanti is Šaka Nahapāna. He has drawn this inference on the basis of v. 1304* of Avassaya-nijjutti (? bhāsa) and the narrative written by Haribhadra in his com. (p. 712b) on it.
On pp. 685b-686b we have the following lines:
"वेसालिजणो सच्वो महेसरेण नीलवंतंभि साहरिओ को महेसरो ति? तस्सेव
चेडगस्त धूया सुजेट्ठा तेण इंदेण नार्म कयं महेसरो त्ति" ॥
These throw light on the phrase 'चेतिराजव (वं ) स ' occurring in Kharavela's inscription. This is what Anandasāgara Sūri informs me.
Vide ABORI (Vol. XVI, pts. i-ii, p. 32).
2 Cf. q occurring in Siddhahemacandra (VIII, 4, 424).
3 This is published in "The Journal of the Bibar and Orissa Research
Society" (Vol. XVI, pts. 3 & 4; 1930 A. D.)
4 "भरुयच्छे जिणदेवो भयन्तमिच्छे कुलाण भिक्य ।
पठाण सालवाहण गुग्गुल भगवं च णहबाणे || १३०४ ॥