Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 2
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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Page Doctrine
Propounder or followers Istatattvadarśanavāda A school of the Bauddhas 56a Kalpitāvidyávāda (Tattvāntavāda) Mädhyamikas (?) Gunakramarāda
Pupils of Suraguru 60а Jagatkartslinamuktavāda
„ „Santapana 64b Dravyādivāda 58b Parokşajñāna vāda
A school of the Mimāmsakas 61a Buddhiyogajñānavāda
Kāpilas 16a
Pratyātmapradhinavāda Maulika Sānkhyas 19b Sadāśivavāda
Isvarakāraṇikas 64b Sarvagatātınavāda
Naiyāyikas & others 21b Sarvasattvaivambhāvarāda A school of the Bauddhas 23b Sārkrtapravāda ?
Sānkrtyas 43b Yogimārga
Avadhūtācārya 45b Bhagvadgopendravāda Bhagvadgopendra 109b Yāpaniyatantra
Yāpaniyas? 42a Yoga
Pantañjali & others Bhagvadgopendra is mentioned on p. 45b where allegati is explained. Further, the following passage is quoted from his work:
___"निवृत्ताधिकारायां प्रकृतौ धृतिः श्रद्धा सुखा विविदिषा विज्ञप्तिरिति तत्वधर्मयोनयः, नानिवृत्ताधिकारायाम् , भवन्तीनामपि तद्रूपताऽयोगात्".
In Lalitavistară we come across two illustrations viz. FITTHYGH1979 (p. 78a) and gusHGFT (p. 47a). Further, two nyayas are noted in this work: (i) per afaretara: (p. 12a); and (ii) 37&hifaziate (p. 44a ).
This work abounds in quotations the sources of all of which have not been traced as yet. Amongst the quotations in verse we find that the author has quoted from his own work Yogadrstisanuccaya. Verses 3 to 11 are quoted from it on pp. 13a, 13b, 13b, 14a, 14a, 14b, 14b, 14b & 15a. Further, there are distinctly four quotations from TS on pp. 12a, 15b, 39b & 39b and one from Viahapannatti on p. 19a.*
i For details see JRL (pp. 43-44). 2 On p. 106а we have " Tiara H". This differs a little from
TS (V, 29). 3 VII, 9; J, 5; II, 17; II, 18. 4 In the DLJP edition the editor has noted that the verse fase
quic' occurring on p. Ila is from Dharmabindu but I do not find it there,