Book Title: Vinay Sutra And Auto Comentary On Same
Author(s): P V Bapat, V V Gokhale
Publisher: Kashi Prasad Jayaswal Research Institute
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vi Prcchagatam
(a) Samvara-asamvarau
(b) Akşiptatvam
(c) Anujña (d) Sankirṇam
14. 4
While reading this text, Prof. Takakus's text: A record of Buddhist Religion will be found to be very useful; also Jinananda's Abhisamācārika (1969).
Summaries of Sections
(i) Leading to the life of a novice (Śrāmaṇeratvopanaya) (S. 1-36)
The author begins to tell how one can make an end of worldly life by taking recourse to the proper path (margasya praptiḥ atra yanam) (S. 1). For this purpose he mentions the path of Vinaya which is described above in the seventeen chapters referred to above.14 He also discusses the justification of the serial order of those chapters. He mentions therein the inclusion of stories of Kausambaka, Pandu-Lohitaka, Pudgala and Parivasika in chapters x-xii and xiv.
We are told of two different legal procedures in initiating a new comer (pravrajita) and ordaining him as a member of the Buddhist clan (upasampad). The older procedure (pura-kalpa) simply states that when a new comer comes in for admission to a Sangha, he should be given pravrajya and upasampad together, when he sits down by a senior monk in the assembly of Buddhist monks with his hands folded-by the legal procedure of threefold repetition of an announcement (iñapti-caturtha). But things have later changed. The old process of the continuous holy life did not last. At that time the people were holy. There were no intervening obstacles. So a new procedure ((vartamana-kalpaḥ) was devised. According to this new procedure, the incomer should approach a Senior Spiritual priest (upadhyaya) and assure him about his See pp. xv-xvi above,