Book Title: Vinay Sutra And Auto Comentary On Same
Author(s): P V Bapat, V V Gokhale
Publisher: Kashi Prasad Jayaswal Research Institute
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( xxix ) time. But no force should be used by anyone in giving him upasampad (S. 116). A slave should not be admitted. An entrant should be asked if he owe any debt to others. If his parents are living, he should be given a period of a week for securing the permission. If his parents are living at a distance he may be exempted. Even if he stays at a long distance, his announcement should be made so that one should not be charged of having his upasampad done stealthily. He may be given food. No permission is given, as there is no likelihood of his taking root, to a sick person, or to a person with any of the fivefoldio sexual disability (S. 131-33), or one who has become a monk through fraudulent means, one who has migrated to another sect, a murderer of a father, mother, or Arhat, a breaker of the unity of a Sangha, the shedder of blood of Tathāgata, the spoiler of a Bhikṣuṇi, one who has done any one of the four Parājika offences, one who is inclined to, though he has not gone beyond disciplinary measures (i. e. one who is always quarrelsome (na abhyu pagato "kalaha-vivadabhavam) (S. 145). When there is a fault in the performance of an upasampad, then forbearance is the command. If the faulty man does not attend such a meeting of the upasampad, then a fresh attempt should be made to have the legal procedure. If there is a false statement about a heresy entertained by one, he is guilty and he is subject to Prāyaścitta. The section has at the end some verses which show deficiences in hands, feet, fingers and lips; persons too old and too young; persons who are hunch-backed and dwarfs; persons who have deficiencies in neck, or those who are dumb, those who have enfeebled themselves away over a woman, or in carring loads, or those who have lost all energy and have become invalids. Such persons are rejected by the Great Sage. Pravrajya is possible 19. Cf. Vin. Cm. v. pp. 10 15-16 mentions asitta-pandaka,
usuya-, opakkamika-, pakkha, na-pumsaka ; Sphuțārtha on II.1 (Wogihara's edition, p. 94) mentions five : prakrti-pandakāh, irsya..., paksa...., 'āseka...., lūna..... Cf. Susrta-Sha. 2.38-40; Sarigadhara, Pārda vii. 171.