An attempt to trace the Source
tivinai y utaiyav ennait tintanmin aţikal venta paviyar enru noniu parint aļut uruki naiyak kaviyank kanniy onrunk kavalal yan uyntat ellam naviya nāru meni nankai nin ravattin enrān. 1
(Oh my lord, do not touch me, the one who is full of demerits. Saying thus she wept. (Civakan coosoled her by saying] "Do not worry; I could survive only by the merits done by you, the one whose body smells of musk.) This same incident is narrated in the Jc, in the following lines :
aryaputra mannimittam khalv etāvad duḥkham anubhutavan asyato mandabhagyam mam ma samspěšeti savişādam ukto jivandharaḥ, taruni taruņärunakiranavikasadambu javadane bhavadiyapūrvakstasuk staprabhavenaivaitadựśaḥ samvpito'nyatha punarbahutaraduḥkhum anubhave yam iti tom samāśvāsya....2
(She said with great grief "Lord, do not touch me, the unfortunate one because of whom you had to undergo all these troubles." (Hearing this) Jivandhara consoled her saying, "Oh, the one whose face is like a lotus which has bloomed by the rays of the sun, I could survive like this, because of the good deeds done by you before. Otherwise I might have undergone many more difficulties.) This incident is not narrated in this way either in the Up. or in the Kc. or the Gc.
The names of the kings who came to participate in the contest to win Ilakkapai and in the war between Civakao and Kațţiyankaran listed in the Cc. and the Jc. are very similar, while the names in the Kc. and the Gc. are different from these.
From these we deduce that Haricandra was also aware of the Co, among other books on the Jivaka story. Though Haricandra was aware of the Up. and the Cc., he follows the Kc, and the Gc. more closely than these books. The story in the Jc. is narrated in eleven lambh is as in Valibhasimha's work. In the Cc. the story of the Jc. is narrated in thirteen Ilampakams. It may be safely said that the story of the Jc. is a brief version of the story narrated in the Kc. and the Gc. The same phrases found in the Gc and the Kc. are freely employed by Haricandra in his work, the Jc. For example, the following phrase which is a part of the advice given by the ministers to the king Satyandhara when he wanted to entrust his kingdom in the hands of his minister Kāştangara, is the same in all these books.
hydayam ca na viśvasyam rajabhiḥ kim paro naraḥ /
(Even their hearts should not be trusled by kings; how much more of other man.) 1 Cc. v. 2099. 2 Jc. 10th lambha, pp. 170. 171. .
. 3 Kc, 1:15.
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