Study of Civakacintamani
it is described in the Up, and the Sc. In the portrayal of the cemetery the description of the tridents (šūla) on which thieves who were pierced by them lay with oozing blood streaming from their bodies, and the description of the witches who were uragging the haif ourat dead bodies from the funeral pyre and cutting them with sharp knives-ale simar in tue Up. and the Je. These descriptions are not found either in the Co. or in the Geur in the Kc.
Like this the Jc. also follows descriptions which are found only in the Cc. and not in any other abovu said works. For example, in the Cc. while describing the flags hoisted on toe palaces found in the city of Irâcamäpuram, Tēvar describes them as follows:
tiruva niņakarc cem poni nitiya uruvav on kotiy uli nutankuva purului ven katirc celvana pan mayirp
puravi ponk alal arruva põnravē. 3 (The long beautiful golden flags which are swaying on the top of the large wealthy mansions, look as if they are allaying the heat of the hairy horses of the hot rayed sun.)
Here he says that the tlags waver as if they were allaying the heat of the horses : of the sun. The height of the mansions is indiretly expressed by the author. The same idea is expressed in the Jc. in the following description of the palaces in Rājapuri. ambhomukcunbi-saudhudhvaj. patupavunoddhuta saptaśvarathyabränteh
[(The city Rajapuri) contained mansions which kiss the clouds. The breeze which comes from the wafung flags (hoisted on these mansions) alleviated the fatigue of the horses of the seven-horsed one (the sun) (1 he mansions) were adorned by beautiful girls who equalled the lightning with their shining bodies.
The Jc. also follows some of the incidents which are only narrated in the Cc. For example, after the marriage with Curamañcari, Civakan returns to his home where he meets his parents and then he meets his first wife, Kantaruvatattai. On her request he goes to see his second wife, Kuņamālai. When she saw Civakan she weeps and asks bin not to touch her as she is a sinful woman (It is to be remembered here that Civak.in was imprisoned by Kattiyankāran's servants when he was with Kunamalai). Having heard what she said Civakan consoles her saying that he was able to survive only because of the good deeds she had done.
1 Up. loc. cit. vv, 225-226; Jc. Ist lambha, p. 31. 2 Up. loc. cit. vv. 226-227; Jc. 1st lambha, p. 31. 3 Cc. V. 126. 4 Jc. Ist lambha p. 6.
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