Book Title: Studies in Jainism
Author(s): M P Marathe, Meena A Kelkar, P P Gokhle
Publisher: Indian Philosophical Quarterly Publication Puna
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cannot be called any of them. Moreover, if stipulation or description is taken as having existential import, then those Tattvas, Arthas, Dravyas etc., which lack this aspect are considered to be so either improperly or metaphorically. Now, if disjunctively understood, the ground for taking each one of them as Tattva, Artha, Dravya etc. seems to be shaky. For, criteria of lak sanatah and vidhānatah respectively may bring to the fore two different sorts of Tattvas, Dravyas etc. Even the contention of Pūjyapāda that whereas 'utpā davyayadhrauvyayuktam sat' is a sāmānya lakṣaṇa (generic property ) while rūpinah pudgaläh' etc. are Viseșalaksanas (differentia ) of pudgala etc. too seems to leave a weak link.30 For, while accepting the distinction between two sorts of definitions bringing definienda of both the kinds of definitions under one banner does not seem to be the ground for Tattvas or Dravyas being treated on par. If we are going to count anything as Tattva, Dravya, Sat etc. irrespective of the distinction between those fulfilling and not-fulfilling existential or ontological condition, then we to be mixing between them. For, unless Tattvas, Dravyas, etc., are of the same kind, it seems futile to call them to be so. Such way understood there remains a difficulty in the comprehension of Tattvas, Dravyas etc; for, any mixing up between what is ontological and what is other than ontological seems unreasonable. And therein one is constrained to say that there are certain weak links in Umāsvāti's explanation of Tattvas, Dravyas etc.
NOTES 1. Tattvānām arthānām sraddhanam tattvena vārthānāṁ sraddhānām
tattvärthaśraddhānām tat samyak darśanam / Tattvabhāşya 1.2. 2. Tattvāni jīvādīni vakşyante/ ta eva ca arthäh teşām sraddhānam teşu
pratyayāvadhāraṇam | Tatt vabhäşya 1.2. 3. Jivājāväsravabandhasamvaranirjarāmokşāḥ, tattvāni / Tattva 1.4.
Before Umäsväti the Jaina cannon had accepted nine Dravyas. Umāsväti, omitting Pāpa and Punya, enumerates seven. Pūjyapāda, on the
contrary, accepts nine. 4... iti eşa saptavidhah arthavattvam | Tattvabhāşya 1.4. 5. Pramitivişayāḥ padārthāḥ / (b) abhidheyāḥ padārthāḥ / (c) padasya
padena sūcitah vă arthah padārthah. 6. Tam lakşınatah vidhānataḥ ca purastāt vistāreņa upadeşyāmah /
Tattvabhāşya, 1.4.