Book Title: Studies in Jainism
Author(s): M P Marathe, Meena A Kelkar, P P Gokhle
Publisher: Indian Philosophical Quarterly Publication Puna
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5. Bharadwaja, V. K., 'Pramäna and Naya in Jaina Logic', Philosophica, Vol. 7 No. 2, June 1978, p. 11.
6. Vidyabhusana, Satish Chandra. A History af Indian Logic, Delhi, 1971 pp. 190-91.
7. Ibid, pp. 190-91
8. Ibid, pp. 190-91.
9. Ibid, pp. 203
Bhavasena's Pramā-Pramya Sholapur, 1960, p. 41 Mark the use of the word "vyapti-balcna” in “va@ptibalema pararyālsṭpūdamam tarbā. 12. Russell, Bertrand, The Problems of Philosophy, London, 1912, p. 103. 13. Vadi Devasur is Pramāmo-nayarattvlokā-lankāra Bombay, 1967,
p. 216.
The Naiyayikas continue to have their problems with the relation, for instance between tarka and vyapti having made the former an upaya of yvaptigraha. The Buddhist approach is more presuppositionalitric than any other either of the Naiyayikas or of the Jainas. 15. Yasovijaya Hani's Jaina Tarka Bhāṣā, op. cit., pp. 24-25.
Ibid, pp. 190-91
19. Yasovijaya Gani's Jaina Tarka Bhāṣā, op. cit., Nayesvapi saptabhangtya jana. pp. 21-25.
As discussed above.
21. Barlingay, S. S., op. cit., p. 6.
22. lbid, p. 62 Barlingay writes: "In the Jaina variety of Indian logic, another form of paopositions is found. An instance of this is "Syadusti" -"Possibly, this is". Such propositions are modal". p. 62.
Barlingay, S. S. A Modern Introduction to Indian Logic, Delhi, 1965, Second edition 1976. p. 6,
Ibid, p. 6
Ibid, p. 6.
Professor D. S. Kothari's talk in the seminar on "Jaina Philosophy and Modern Scientific Thought" held at the Department of Philosophy. Poona University, Poona from April 5 to 7, 1979.
25. Pandeya, Ramachandra; Indian Studies in Philosophy, Delhi, 1977; the Chapter VIII 'The Jaina Conception of Syadvada'; pp. 114-123. 26. Mookerjee Satkari, The Jaina Philosophy of Non-Absolutism, Delhi 1978; p. 122.
Bharucha, G. B,, 'Seven-Valued Logic in Jaina Philosophy', International Philosophical Quarterly, Vol, 4, 1964 pp. 68-92.
Vidyabhusana, Satish Chandra, op. cit., p. 211.
Mallesena's Syadvadamanjari, Bombay, 1933.
For an interesting discussion on the notion of avaktavyam see Satkari Mookerjee work, op. cit.
See, for instance, some of the references given in the preceding para.