Book Title: Studies in Jainism
Author(s): M P Marathe, Meena A Kelkar, P P Gokhle
Publisher: Indian Philosophical Quarterly Publication Puna
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of the type I emerges with regard to the truth-value of furturecontingent statements. The consideration of the future-contingent statements is basic to Jaina Logic. Now it is well known in the West that this very consideration has given rise to Three-valued Logic. So there is nothing wrong in supposing that Jaina Logic of Syādvāda is indicative of a Three-va lued Logic. Moreover, as it becomes more sound and articulate on the basis of a threevalued logic than on that of a two-valued logic, so it is logically linked with a three-valued logic which is its raison detre
1. Sanmati Prakarana 2-47. 2. See Syadyādamanjari on Verse No. 28. 3. Pramānanayair adhigamah. Knowledge is the means and reality is the
end. Tattvärtha Süfra, 1-6, by Umāswati. 4. Vide Dravyas vabhāva Prakadaka Naya Cakra of Mailla Dhavala, ed. and
tr. in Hindi by Pt. Kailash Chandra Shastri, Bhartiya Jnanapoetha Prakashan, Varanasi, 1971, Appendix-2, p. 232.
Prêyaşaḥ Samkīpā prāmāşyetarasthitiḥ- Astasahasri, p. 271. 6. Prāyika sthiti, vide Siddhiviniscaya tīka, Prastāvanā, by Prof. M. K. Jain. 7. Vide Naya Rahasya Prukarana of Yaśovijaya with pramodāvivrti, pp. 7-8.
Also see Devasari's definition of Naya in Syad-vādaratnākara and
comments on it by Ratnaprabhāsūri. 8. Dvadasaranayacakra, vol. I, p. 9. 9. Astasahasri p. 125. Also vide the verses of Ananta virya quoted in Sarva
darsana Sangrahu of Madhavācārya in Arhata Darsana. 10. See proceedings of All India Philosophical Congress. Kanpur Session,
1972, Symposium on Syādvāla, especially the paper of Dr. R. C. Pandey
of Delhi University. 11. Virodhadhvansako mata”.
quoted in Nayacakra of M&illa Dhawala, p. 127. 12. Loknatha or Prahari Vide Dalsukha Malvania's Hindi introduction to
Nyāyāvatāravārtikavrtti, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavana, Bombay, 1949 and Prof. Mahendra Kumar Jain's Hindi Introduction to Nyāyakumudacandra of Prbhācandra, Diganbara Jaina Granthamala, Bombay, 1941.