he agrees that such a programme will have limitations and contends that the other possibility of interpreting the logic of nayas as modal logic has also to be examined seriously.
Sagarmal Jain in his Hindi article "FUTCAIC : gæ facram" discusses ontological, epistemological as well as linguistic grounds of syādvāda and distinguishes it from other doctrines with which it is many a time assimilated. As against S.L. Pandey's attempt to present saptabhangi in terms many-valued logic the author presents saptabhangī in the form of a set of conditional statements, the anticidents of which express the view-points from which the respective consequents are supposed to hold.
Kailaschandra Shastri in his Hindi artile "FTICA : Tapi utafan7" explains the Jaina doctrine of anekānta and elucidates its relationship with syādvāda, saptabhangi, nayavāda and sämya-drsti.
Pramāra and naya are two very important notions in Jaina logic and epistemology. Ishvarachandra Sharma in his Hindi paper 'STATOTT À TUT FIT " gives a detailed account of the controversy amongst Jaina Ācāryas and scholars regarding the conceptual relation between pramāna and naya. He concludes that naya arises from pramāna and is of the nature of pramāra, rather śabdapramāna. It is still called naya for distinguishing it from kevalajñāna as well as other forms of śrutajñāna.