ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
3 Heter of Susena. OC. I. p. 52, II. p. 10.
Madhavasena, pupil of Nemişeņa. CMB. But is he a Jain author ? cf. JG. p. 359.
143 ; SG. No. 1000 ( ms. d. 1568). Teafare also called Panicavimarga, composed (IV) SITTET composed by Nayanandin in the during the ministership of Vastupāla, by
Apabhrari.sa language. This is mentioned Udayaprabha, pupil of Vijayasena of the
in the Bhavisyadattakathā of Dhanapāla ; Nagendra Gaccha. It contains 5 chapters
see Allahabad University Studies, I. p. and is published with Hemahamsa's
173. Borada. No. 6122. commentary by the 'Jain Säsana' Press,
| (V) var also called Bhagavati Aradhanā or Bhavnagar. Agra. Nos. 2997-2999;
Mulārādhanā is a work in 8 chapters Bendall. No. 485; Bengal. Nos. 7026 ;
containing 2150 Gathās in all and deal7606 ; Bhand. V. No. 1338 ; BO. p. 29;
ing with the four Arādbanās namely Buh. II. No. 399; 410; Chani. No.
Darsana, Jñāna, Carana and Tapa, com990; DA. 67 (30-32; 76); DB. 24
posed by Sivācārya, also called Sivakoti, (155-159 ); JHA. 59 (2c.); Kath.
who mentions Jinanandin, Sarvagupta No. 1354; KB. 3 (69); PAP. 73 (17);
and Mitranandin as his preceptors. This 79 (46); PAPR. 3 (6); PAPS. 49
work is mentioned by Jinasena in his (22); PR. 32 ; PRA No. 1229; SA. Nos.
Adipurāņa ; cf. CPI. pp. 19-20. This 108 ; 210 ; SB. 2 (165); Surat. 1, 6,
Sivakoti is different from his namesake, 11; VB. 3 (7; 15; 42; 43 ); VC. 1
the author of Ratnamālā (s. v.). Arā(17); Weber II. No. 1741.
dhanā, with the commentary of Sadā(1) Tikā called Sudhīśrngāra compos
sukha is published at Kolhapur, Sake ed at Āsāpalli in Sam. 1514, by Hema
1831. hamsa, pupil of Ratnasekharasūri of the
Agra. No. 1121; Bhand. VI. No. 1024; Tapā Gaccha. Bendall. No. 485; BO.
CMB. 46; DC. p. 32; Lal. 127 ; Kath. p. 29; Buh. II. No. 399; Chani. No.
Nos. 1112, 1114; 1115; Pet. VI. No. 990; DA. 67 ( 30; 31; 32; 76); DB.
679 (dated Sam. 1416 ); VI. A. p. 54 24 (155-156); Hamsa. Nos. 623,
(quotation ); SG. Nos. 1163; 1266 ; 1667, 1724; JHA. 59; PAP. 73 ( 17 );
Strass. p. 298; Tera. 1-4. PAPR. 3 (6); PAPS. 49 (22); PRA,
(i) Tikā called Srivijayodayā, by ApaNo. 1229, SA. No. 210; Surat. 1, 6, 11; VC. 1 (17); Weber. II. No. 1741.
rā jita, pupil of Baladeva, pupil of Candra
nandin. Bhand. VI. No. 1024; Kath. Nos. (2) Tikā. Anon. probably the same
1114; 1115; SG. No. 1163; Strass. p.298. as above. Bhand. V. No. 1338; KB. 3 ( 69 ); SB. 2 ( 165 ).
(2) Tīkā called Darpana by Āsādhara.
CP. p. 682; (CPI. p. 36); SG. Nos. आराधकविराधकचतुर्भङ्गीप्रकरण of Yasovijaya.
1266 ; 2419; 2718. (1) Tıkā Svopajña. Published by the
(3) Tikā called Pañjikā. Anon. Pet. JAS. Bhavnagar, ( Series No. 55), Sam.
V. No. 679. ( ms. d. Sam. 1416); = VI. 1973 (W. S.).
A. p. 54 ( quotation). (I) STITTAT by Abhayasuri. See Arādhanākulaka.
(4) Tīkā by Sivaji Dāruņa, pupil of (II) SITTITAT by Ajitadevasuri, pupil of Mahesvara
Dilasukha. Kath. No. 1113. suri of the Candra Gaccha. PAPS.
(5) Tīkā by Nandi Gani (?)--VB. 84 (7).
26 (1). (III) STITIWAT in Sanskrit by Amitagati, pupil of
(6) Țikā called Maraṇakarandikā by
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