ifrat :
(2) Ţikā by Siddhicandragaņi. VB. (I) ECETTETE T by Sakalakirti (Grań. 36 ( 48 )
1800 ). JG. p. 268. This seems to be a (3) Tikā by Devasādhu. VA. 17
mistake. See JG. p. 268 f. n. ( 16 ).
(II) ECOTKUTANE y of Somakirti. Punjab. (4) Tikā by Bhāvasena Traividya.
Nos. 2760; 2761. See Sapta vyasanaPatan Cat. I. Intro. p. 44.
kathā (I) ( II ) Faerefi composed in Sam. 1757 by Ethafara r IT of Māņikyasūri. Kath. Yasasvatsägara, pupil of Yaśassāgara of
No. 1313. the Tapā Gaccha. Agra. Nos. 2443, catalizareata in Prākrta. CP. p. 701 ; JG. p. 2446, 2447 ; PRA. No. 213.
293. Fantaggi Surat. 1, 5.
Atatea in Sanskrit. SG. No. 2619. ErTHUIT DB. 20 ( 60 ).
(I) Fagylalat is a small poem (Gram. a rati oft in prose by Vimaladāsa, pupil of
442) cantaining 9 cantos, in which Anartadevasvamin. Published in the RJS.
every verse is capable of 7 interpretations Series, No. 4, Bombay, Vir. Sam. 2431.
connected with the 7 great persons (five Also in the Sāstramuktāvali No. 8,
Jinas and Krisņa and Rāma ) of Jainism Conjeevaram, 1901. BO. p. 62; JG. p.
composed in Sarn. 1760, by Meghavijaya94, Punjab. No. 2758.
gani, pupil of Krpāvijaya of the Tapā
Gaccha; published in the Abhayadevasūri. FH19 TO composed by Dānavijayagņi, pupil
granthamālā, Bikaner, Rajputana, and of Vijayarājasūri of the Tapā Gaccha.
also in the Jain Vividha Sāhitya SastraBaroda. No. 7805; DA. 67 ( 22 ); 75
mālā (No. 3) Benares, 1917. Agra. ( 28, 31).
No. 2966. Faidaiana of Devendrakirti. Indar. 74; 77 ; 12
) सप्तसन्धानमहाकाव्य of Hemacandra, the 178.
Great. Meghavijaya mentions this as Faraatia hawaa in Prākrta. JG. p. 293.
already lost at his time. F E TT (Gram. 3500 ) by Bhuvanakīrti. Razgala in Präkrta (Be: - vandāmi say VA. 16 ( 6 ).
jiņidam). Pet. I. A. pp. 45 ; 64 ; 82 ; 86; (1) F e ram composed in Sam. 1526
III. A. p. 31. by Somakirti, pupil of Bhimasena, pupil (1) ECATERTUTESTIs The sevan hymns are: -(1) of Dharmasena of the Naditata Sangha.
Ajitośāntistava of Nandisena; (2) UllāsikThe poem is otherwise called Vidhivinoda
kama, Stotra of Jinadatta ; (3) 'Namiūņa, at Punjab. No. 2761. Bhand. V. No.
or Bhayaharastotra of Mänatunga ; ( 4 ) 1128; VI. No. 1053 ; BK. No. 1826;
Tam Jayau Stotra of Jinadatta ; ( 5 ) Buh. VI. No. 681; CP. p. 701; DB.
Gurupāratantryastotra of Jinadatta ; (6) 30 ( 45 ); Idar. 106 (5 copies );
"Sigghamavaharau' Stotra of Jinadatta Idar. A. 63; Kath. Nos. 1165;
and (7) Uvasaggabara stotra of Bhadra1166 ; Pet. IV. No. 1484; V.
bahu. BK. No. 1353 ; Chani. No. 736; Nos. 977; 978; Mitra. VIII. p. 144 ;
DA. 41 (138 to 140; 143 to 147; 149 PRA. No. 1122 ; Punjab. Nos. 2759;
to 154 ); 75 (10); DB. 24 (92; 93, 2760; 2761.
95; 96 ), Hamsa. Nos. 792; 803, (II) FCEU ET41 Anon. Agra. No. 1583;
1144; 1209; 1337; 1347 ; JHB. 47; Surat. 2, 4.
KB. 2 (17), 3 (20; 58); 5 ( 28 ),
and (7) Uras. 1353 ; 143 to 147: 95,
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