अन्यविभागः प्रथमः।
H O T of Kundakunda. See Samayaprābhrta.
46 ( 2 ), PAPR. 5 (1); Pet. IV. No. Flo. No. 656.
1361 = IV. A. p. 123; SA. No. 325 , FATHIE by Māņikyasuri (Gram. 3200 ).
Surat. 1, 4. VC. 13 ( 18 ).
) Fatizauita Anonymous. See also Samara(I) Ahtarafts (Grar. 10000) in Prākrta
bhānucaritra. JB. 111; 116; JHA. 54; composd by Haribbadrasuri, pupil of
KB. 5 (11); KN. 12. Jinadattasuri. It is a big Romance in (IV) FATIIETafts by Mativardhana. Published mixed prose and verse divided into 9
by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1915. chapters, to which a Būmikă is attached.
Bengal. No. 3043. Edited by H. Jacobi in the Bibliotheca (V) FATITJUIta in Sanskrit Prose, by Indica Series, Calcutta, 1926. According
Sumativardhana. Punjab. Nos. 2776 ; to the Prasasti of Peterson's Cambay ms.
2777. This is perhaps the same as the (see Pet. IJI. A. p. 124), Ratnaprabhasūri
Tippani of No. (I) above. lectured on this book in Sam. 1299, at
FACATO in Prākrta, Punjab. Nos. 2778; 2779. Cambay. Baroda. No. 2694 ; Bengal.
See Samavasaraņaprakarana. No. 3043 ; Bt. No. 308 ; Chani. Nos. 523; 524 ; DB. 28 (1; 2); DC. p. 21;
Fetuagiar Surat. 10.
L Hamsa. Nos. 68 ; 498; JA. 48 ( 1 );
FATATOgor by Medhāvin this is a part of his Jesal. No. 800; JG. pp. 102; 235;
Dharmasangraha (s. v.). It is published Mitra. X. p. 128; PAPM. 31; PAPR.
at Seoni, 1913. 21 (1); PRA. No. 1153 ; Pet. III. HATOTTITAT JG. p. 142. A. p. 118; V. No. 888; V. A. p. 91 ; (I) FH ETOHI of Vadisimha. AD. No. 79. VI. p. 142, No. 82; Strass. B. No. 451; (II) FATETOOFTI of Ratnakirti. Idar. 162. VB. 34 ( 19 ).
(III) HAETOga in Sanskrit by Rūpacandra. (1) Tippani which almost consists of
SG. No. 2007. a Sanskrit translation of the original, (IV) FTATUITEI Anonymous. CP. p. 703. was composed in Sam. 1874 by Ksamā- FAGFITTATUT Buh. I. No. 57; JA. 60 (11; kalyana and Sumativardhana. Baroda.
this consists of 71 Gātbās), PAP. 25 No. 2964; Bengal. No. 3043; Chani.
(24; Gram. 195); Pet. I. Nos. 273; No. 523 ; JG. pp. 102 ; 235; Mitra.
306; III. A. p. 30; V. No. 889; X. p. 128; Pet. V. No. 888; VL p.
Surat. 1. 142, No. 82 ; PRA. No. 1153.
FHCATOla (a part of Adipurāņa of Jinasena). (II) Farfardafta also called Samarādityasam
CP. p. 703. ksepa (Gran. 4874), composed in HTETEVE with Avacuri, published in the JAS. Sam. 1324 by Pradyumnasūri, pupil of
(No. 1), Bhavnagar. DA. 58 (91). Kanakaprabha. It is inentioned by the
(1) FAQATOTìa in 52 Gātbās by Mahākhya. author in the Prasati to his com. on
Flo. No. 691. Pravrajyāvidhāna (cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 45 ). It is a sort of abridgment of
(I1 ) FATETERla of Vidyadhipagaņi. Mysore. Haribhadra's work done in Sanskrit. It
II. p. 285. is edited by H. Jacobi, Ahmedabad, (III) ATATUTETET of Vişnusena Traividya. It 1905. Baroda. Nos. 2115 ; 2965; BK.
contains 63 Sanskrit Slokas and is publiNo. 222 ; Bt. No. 309; DB. 28 ( 3; 4 );
shed in the MDG. Series, No. 21, BomHamsa. No. 1483; JG. P. 285; PAP. . bay, Sann. 1919. AD. No. 97; AK. Nos.
964; Sunnativard 1974 by Kamal, (iv)
1905.ted by H. Jacoe in Sanskritent of
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