ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः
a Nyāyāvatārastroduction
and also in the Dhavala of Virsena ; for
PAZB. 11 (1;2); SA. Nos. 167 ; 461 ; the latter, see Satkhaņdāgama, (Amraoti,
1613; 2083; Samb. Nos. 378; 379; 1939), Vol. I. Intro. p. 53. Published
SB. 2 ( 150 ; 151); VA. 16 (9). by the Puratattvamandira, Ahmedabad,
(3) Sanmativivaraṇa composed by a Sam. 1980-1984, with the commentary of
Digambara writer called Sanmati and Abhayadevasuri. It is also published in the
alluded to by Vadiraja in his PārsvaYJG. Seies, Benares, Vir Samvat 2436.
nāthacarita. See Anekānta, Vol. II. p. The text only is published with a long
571 foot-note. introduction and Gujrati translation in
(4) Vrtti. Anonymous. Agra. No. the Punjabhai Jaina Granthamala, Ahme.
2544 , Bt. No. 358 (3); JG. p. 80. dabad, 1932 A.D. The text alone is also published in the JDPS. Series, No. 14,
" statue of an unknown author. It is in
Sanskrit and is published by the JDPS., Bhavnagar, 1909, along with Ekavimsatidvätrimsikā and Nyāyāvatāra. The text
Bhavnagar, Sam. 1969. with English translation and introduction
FESTETTAT of Surendrakīrti. SG. No. 68. is again published by the Secretary, Jain
ratai Tu in 21 chapters by Dikşita DevaSvetambar Education Board, Bombay
datta. Its Granthāgra is 1800. Bengal. No. 3, AD. 1939. Agra. Nos. 2539 to
No. 1462 ; Bhand. VL No. 1052 ; Buh. 2544; Baroda. No. 2968 ; Bt. No. 358;
VI. Nos. 684, 685 ; Hum. 134 ; 236 ; Chani. Nos. 167; 181 ; 496 ; 753; CP.
Kath. No. 1167 ; Pet. III. No. 566; IV. p. 704 ; DC. p. 12; Hamsa. No. 749;
No. 1483 = IV. A. p. 165 ( quotation); Jesal. Nos. 461 ; 462; JG. p. 79, Kiel,
SG. No. 42. II. No. 408 ; Kundi. No. 257; Limdi. (I) EFTITITE of Lohācārya, in Prākrta. Nos. 48; 1004; 1224; 1225 ; Mitra. X.
List (S. J.). p. 39 ; PAP. 78 (4); PAPR. 14 ( 1;2); (II) Fasteigiasie of Gangadāsa in Prākrta. PAPS. 77 (20); PAZB. 11 (1; 2);
List (S. J.) Punjab. No. 2802 ; SA. No 753 ; Samb. Nos. 374; 375 ; 381 ; SB. 2 (150;
(III) F reTeRagra in Sanskrit of Jinendra151 ); VA. 16 (9).
bhusana. List (S.J.).
Haqistercenga composed in Sam. 1664 by Jaya(1) Vrtti by Mallavādin (Gram. 700).
vijaya. PAP. 63 (15). A quotation from this commentary is given in Haribhadra's Anekantaja yapatā
ÀTISHI CP. p. 704. kā. See JH., Vol. 14, p. 305. Bt. No.
FAITEK CP. p. 704. 358 (1); JG. p. 80.
FETEIT al Pet. V. No. 925. (2) Vrtti composed by Abhaydeva
tripragar Pet. V. No. 925. sūri, pupil of Pradyumnasūri of the Rāja paner (Gram. 30 ). JG. p. 190. Gaccha (Gram. 25000). Baroda. No.(I) aukah in 17 Gathās. JA. 105 (1). 2968 ; Bhand. VI. Nos. 1415, 1416;
(II) #a 3in 35 Gātbās (Be: devo dbaChani. Nos. 181 ; 496 ; CP. p. 704; DB. 38 (71, 72); DC. p. 12; Hamsa. No.
mmo maggo ) by Amaracandrasuri. JG. 367 ; Jesal. Nos. 461; 462'; JG. p. 79;
p. 204 ; Pet. V. No. 150. Kiel. II. No. 409 ; Limdi. Nog. 1224: (III) AFTFra Anonymous. Punjab. No. 1225 ; Mitra. X. p. 39 ; PAP. 78 ( 4 );
2804 (Prākrta ). PAPR. 14 (1;2); PAPS. 77 (20); (I) #terapiigat in 1488 Slokas, composed in
ion from Mavādin
toiven in
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