: 494: !
(III) Avaraat by Tattvavallabha in Sanskrit. Fear TTATTATUT of Jinavallabha. See Sārdha. Punjab. Nos. 3031; 3032.
sataka. (IV) waraet Anonymous. Bhand. V. Nos. Featearer of Cakreśvarasuri in 75 Gāthās. JG. ,1399; 1400; VI. No. 1426; BO. pp.
p. 144 ; Limdi. No. 955. It is publi22; 62, Buh. II. No. 325 ; DB. 23
shed in Prakaraṇasamuccaya, Indore, (76 to 79); JG. p. 842 ; Pet. IV. No.
1923, together with the Tippana. 1499; V. No. 903, VI. Nos. 651 ; 690;
(1) Tippana. Anonymous. JG. p. Punjab. Nos. 3028 to 3030; SA. No.
144 ; Limdi. No. 955. 1612; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
H ardag of Jinavallabha. See SärdhaeftergifÁLFST 1 Composed in Sam. 1650, by Muni
śataka. Sāranga Kavi. The 32 starızas are in
(1) Curņi composed in Sam. 1170 by the Dodhaka metre. DB. 35 (127);
Municandra. PRA. No. 318; SA. No. JG. p. 193.
301.. (1) Svopajñavivarana (Grar. 198) content by Somasena. Bhand. VI. No. 1040. . composed in Sam. 1650. DB. 35 ( 127 );
(1) Svopajia Țikā. Bhand. VI. No. JG. p. 193 ; Pet. V. A. p. 169 (dated
. Sam. 1652)..
anfaat Surat. 1, 5, 9. (1) g y eret of Somasena. KO. 24. F agus is the second Arga (Gram. 2100) of (II) El gratast of Somadeva. AK. No. 973.
the Jain Agama. It is published with (III) yataet of Srutamuni. AK. No. 972.
the Niryukti and Silānka's commentary (IV) Frau alat of Somaprabhācārya. See
in the Agamodaya Samiti Series, No. Sindūraprakara.
18, Bombay 1917, and with commenta(V) Hidayaradt of Meghaprabha. See Suktamu
res of Silāńka and Harsakula by Bhimsi ktāvali (II).
Manek, Bombay Sam. 1936 for Ray atrate is a collection of 377 Sanskrit Subhā.
Bahadur Dhanpati Simha of Calcutta. It şitas put together by Siddhicandragani of
is translated into English by H. Jacobi the Tapā Gaccha; for works and authors
in S. B. E. Vol. 45. It consists of two quoted in this work, see M. D. Desai,
parts, the second being probably younger Bhānucandracaritra, Singhi Jain Series,
than the first, and mainly devoted to the Bombay, 1941, pp. 63–64, Introduction,
refutation of the rival philosophical systems. p. 73. BK. No. 1613.
Agra. Nos. 22-26; 28-32 ; AM. 39; (I) atatearaat of Abhayacandra. Idar. 121. .
44 ; 67 ; 72; 111; 163; 179; 184; (II) Ferrage of Meghaprabha. See Sūkta
191; 212 ; 219; 248 ; 256 ; 273 ; 333; muktávali ( II ).
393 ; 398 ; AZ: 2 (1-3); Bengal. Nos. (III) waaraat by Hemavijayagani; this is
2607; 7195 ; 7439; 7454; 7508; mentioned in the Prasasti to the Vrtti
Bhand. IV. No. 286; VI. Nos. 1285;. on Vijayaprasasti Kāvya. See Krishna
1289 ; Bik. No. 1763; BK. No. 17; macharir, History of Sanskrit Literature,
BO. p. 62; Buh. II. Nos. 257 ; 258 ; p. 387.
III. Nos. 144 ; 145; 146; VIII. No. Fahr e r JG. p. 137 ; Pet. IV. No. 1378 ;
396; Chani. Nos. 10; 901; DA. 2 Samb. No. 23.
(1-4); 3 (8 to 13); DB. 1 (18); (1) Țikā. JG. p. 137. Pet. IV. No. "Hamsa. No. 1519; JA. 52 (2), 66 (1); 1378.
110 (6), JB. 4; 6; 8; 41; Jesal. Nos. Har SA. No 1564. .
229.; 230, 419; 464 ; 561 ; 634 ; 899; J....57
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