अन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
fogramie Samb. Nos. 11 ; 28.
fagrararadt in 32 Sanskrit stanzas composed सिद्धान्तगुणविवरण of Jinamandanagani. VB.
by a pupil of Hemasuri, pupil of 35 (4).
Jinodaya, pupil of Jinacandra of the
Kharatara Gaccha. (I) grafar by Jñanatilaka. Bhand. VI.
JG. p. 193; Kath. No. 558; JG. p. 308; JHB. 37 (2 c.).
No. 1316 ; Pet. IV. A. p. 124 ; Surat. This is probably a commentary on Sāra
1 ( foll. 83, does this contain a com
mentary ?). svatiprakriyā ( S. v. com. No. 14). (II) सिद्धान्तचन्द्रिका of Ramacandrasrama. This
| सिद्धान्तरत्निकाव्याकरण composed by Jinacandra
sūri, pupil of Sāgaracandrasuri of the is a non-Jain commentary on the Sarasvati Sūtras. See CC. I. p. 700 ; and
Nāgapuriya Tapā Gaccha. The author
lived in the 20th century of the Vikrama also under Sārasvata Vyakaraņa.
Era and helped K samākalyāṇa of the (1) Subodhini Vrtti composed by
Kharatara Gaccha in composing GuņaSadānandagani, pupil of Bhaktivijaya of
sāgaracaritra and Prthvicandracaritra. the Kharatara Gaccha. BO. pp. 43 ; 44;
The work is based on the Sarasvati CC. I. p. 718 ; III. p. 145 ; DB. 36 ( 5 );
Satras. It is published by JainajñānaJG. p. 308 ; KB. 3 ( 29; 65 ); 5 (12);
bhāņdāra Samāja, Visanagar (Gujarat), Mitra. IX. p. 20, Surat. 1, 5.
Sam. 1966 and also in the YJG. Series, (2) Tippana by Candrakirti. This
Bhavnagar, A. D. 1930. See Siddhāntaseems to be different from the author's
ratna (I). Hamsa. No. 1355 ; JHB. 41. commentary on Sarasvati prakriya. DA. 62 ( 4 to 7).
fhgToEFT Surat. 1 (foll. 73). (3) Tikā. Anonymous. KB. 8 (4, two
fegiraa1F1gr of Jñānalābha. SA. No. 1971. copies )
fografa at (Graṁ. 722) by Samayamāņikya. ferqinerIT SA. No. 321 ; Surat. 1 ( foll. 41 ).
DA. 37 ( 29, 30); JG. p. 131. faqirarer of Yasovijaya. JG. p. 107. fegrala ITTITT Buh. VI. No. 781, DB. 21 सिद्धान्तदीपिका Surat. 9 -
(2;3). reagiu (Gram. 2595 in Sanskrit. f This is
a greierget of Sahajakušala. Srutaprobably the same as Jinabhadra's Sama
vicāra. stasiddhāntavişamapadaparyāya. PAP. fer girafa HITĖTE Anonymous. DA. 37 (15; 19; 64 (13; dated Sam. 1653).
20; 35 to 38 ; 42, 83); DB. 21 (4; ferglastry Agra. No. 867.
5;12; 13; 14); JG.p. 131; KB. 1 (17). सिद्धान्तमञ्जरीवृत्ति by Yasovijayagani of the Tapa | सिद्धान्तविधि Surat. 6. Gaccha. See Pattāvalisamuccaya (Viram
fegirlagagangiz SA. No. 249 ( foll. 55). See gam, 1933), Part I, p. 108.
Samastasiddhāntavişamapadaparyāya. fecitata (Graṁ. 3800) by Jayarāma. VD. 14 (12)
e giraraqagari Kundi. No. 152. Perhaps this (1) fegra (Gram. 800) of Jinacandra. JG.
is a work similar to the above one. p. 308. Probably this and the next
FETIT composed by Tejasimha, pupil of work are identical with Siddhāntaratnikā
Karmasimha of the Lumpāka Gaccha. Vyākaraḥa.
BK. No. 1798 ; Limdi. No. 720 ; PRA. II) fegma of Vinayacandra. Bhand. 'V.
No. 1118. No. 1394 ; Pet. III. No. 649. I fegiarefftat in Prūkyta. Agra. No. 19543
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