ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः ।
(11) dimracenan Anonymous. Surat. 1, 2, 9, 10. isure by Jinaharga. SA. No. 663. सीमन्धरस्वामिविज्ञप्ति by Yasovijaya. Chani No.
(ms. dated Sam. 1339, no quotations are given ).
(VII) taraf Anonymous. Agra. No. 1545, Bengal Nos. 6928, 7308, BK. No. 1785, BO. p. 32; Bab. III. No. 177 (in Prakria. Be-kamanahakantijaleņava; ms. dated Sari 1600), DB. 26 (15); Hamsa. Nos. 93; 3202; PAPR 21 (4); SG.dia is a poem in eleven cantos containing No. 2527 (in Sanskrit); Tera. 85, 86, 87; 88; VD. 23 (19).
सीतानाटक Sce Maithilikalyana.
aga in Sanskrit. SG. No. 2527. fincaciaeaza in 350 Gathās by Yasovijayagani, pupil of Nayqvijaya of the Tapă. Gaccha. DA. 76 (102); KB. 2 (17). (1) can composed in Sam. 1713 by Vijayaprabhasari of the Tapa Gaccha. PRA. No. 481.
555 Slokas, composed by Arisinha, a great friend of Amaracandra Pandit of the Vayaḍa Gaccha. At the end of each canto, five stanzas composed by Amaracandra Pandit are found in this poem. The poem which is written in Sanskrit, glorifies the life of the minister Vastupala. See I. A. Vol. 31, p. 477 ff. It is published by the Jain Atmananda Sabba, Bhavnagar, Series No. 51, Samh. 1974. Bhand. VI. No. 1421; BK. No. 185; Buh. VIII. No. 415; Chani. No. 391; Hams. No. 209, JG. p. 333; Kiel. II. No. 411; PAP. 76 (50), Vel. No. 1786.
सीमम्धरस्वामिस्तुति by Munisundarasüri of the Taps Gaccha. Buh. IV. No. 236; JG. p. 295. (1) Avacuri. Buh. IV. No. 236; JG.
p. 295.
(1) agenfaits in nine cantos, containing about 1050 Sanskrit Slokas by Sakalakirti. Bhand. V. No. 1131; Bod. No. 1399, CP. p. 710, Idar. 110, 112 (2) copies; one dated Sam. 1500); Kath. No. 1172, Pet. II. No. 280, Punjab. No. 3005 (see Extract, p. 129), SG. No. 1714; Strass. p. 311. (II) guatemic composed by Vadicandra, pupil of Prabbicandra. CP. p. 710; Idar. 112 (ms. duted Sari. 1658). (III) amanka in Apabbrass by Pug pabhadra (Pirnabladra). List (Delhi P. Mandir.); Lal. 24. (IV) सुकुमालस्वामिचरित्र Ancnymous in Sans krit. Hebru. 57; Surat. 1.
Jain Education International
Sanskrit stanzas, in honour of the minister Tejapal and is published in the Ap pendix (on pp. 68 ff.) to the Hammiramadamardananataka in Gaek. O. Series, No. 10, Baroda, 1920. Chani. No. 439; Hamsa. No. 629; PRA. No. 392. Bt. No. 551.
is a Sanskrit poem in 8 cantos containing 1872 Slokas. It describes the pious life of a Jain merchant called Peghada (or Pethvidhara) and his son Jhanjhana, and was composed by Ratnamandanagani, pupil of Nandiratna of the Tapa Gaccha. Prthvidharaprabandha (s. v.) is the author's own abridgment of this poem. Sukrtasigara is published in the JAS. Series, No. 40, Bhavnagar, Sah. 1971. Agra. No. 1546; Baroda. No. 2986; Bub, III. No. 163; JG. p. 268, Buh. Pet. III. No. 650; Vel. No. 1787.
gift in Sanskrit by Narendrakirti.
ldar. 112.
(II) gasak in Prakṛta containing 97 Gathas (Be-namiuna calana). Pet. I. A. p. 95. See Devakicaritra.
gadget composed by Udayaprabha, (III) gaisa in 107 Gathas (Be-aha patto viisame). Patan Cat. I. p. 304 (quotation).
pupil of Vijayasenasuri of the Nagendra Gaccha, It is a Prasasti poem in 179
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