अन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
सिद्भुत्थेत्यादिगाथाचतुष्टयविवरण Kiel. II. No. 75.
DA. 76 (62); DB. 35 ( 88 ; 89); JG. fecards read by Devendra (Be: jam usabha
p. 142; JHA. 47 (2 c.); Kaira. B.
142, KB. 3 (20); Kiel. II. No. 410; kevala ). It is published with the com
PAPL. 7 ( 21 ); Pet. I. Nos. 355 ; 356; mentary in the JAS. Series, No. 7,
IV. No. 1373 ; VC. 14 (14; 17); VD. Bhavnagar, Sam 1988. Agra. No.
13 (17); Weber. II. No. 1823. 1334 ; DB. 35 ( 152 to 156); Hamsa. Nos. 425 ; 450; 814; 1156 ; JG. p. EGISFATTI Kath. No. 1213. p. 136 ; Limdi. No. 1095; Pet. IV.
fegy JB. 122 (foll. 593). No. 1367; V. No. 895; Punjab. No 2943, SA. No. 378; Surat. 1, 5, 6, 7,
Egia in 120 Gāthās ( Be :- tibuyaņapaņae ). Tapa. 94; Weber. II, No. 1967 (3).
It is published with a commentary in the (1) Svopajña Țikā. Weber. II. No.
JAS. Series No. 64, Bhavnagar, 1921. 1967 (3).
It has no connection with the Astaprā
bhrtas of Kundakunda. It is probably a (2) Avacuri. DB. 35 (152; 153 ); Hamsa. Nos. 425; 814; KN. 18 ; SA.
Svetāmbara work. It is quoted by
Malayagiri in his commentary on the Nos. 378 ; 2779, VA. 17 (44); VB.
Nandi Sūtra. He also mentions a com37 (6).
mentary on it. See Anekanta, Vol. II, Ta i giela in 138 Sanskrit stanzas com
p. 548. In the introduction to the posed in Sam. 1484, by Munisundara of
printed edition, the editor mentions a the Tapā Gaccha. Agra. No. 1584 ;
ms. of the published commentary existing JG. p. 262. See Devasthali. No. 2030.
at Palitana, Anandji Kalyanji Bhandar, fegante in 50 Gātbās by Devendra. It is
and dated Sam. 1138. So that the text published with an Avacūri by the JAS.
must have been pretty old. Agra. No. ( Series No. 16 ), Bhavnagar, Sam.1969.
456; Bhand. V. No. 1245; VI. No. Agra. Nos. 1918 to 1927; Bhand. V.
1287 ; DA. 27 ( 90, 91); 74 ( 21); No. 1244 ; Bt. No. 91; Buh. II. No.
DB. 13 ( 51, 52); DC. p. 41; Jesal. 323, V. No. 45; DA. 60 (1-16'); 76
No. 772; KB. 3 (0); Kundi, No. 61 ; (62); DB. 35 (88 to 94 ); Hamsa
Limdi, No. 1173; PAPS. 80 (35); No. 913, JHA. 47; Kaira. B. 142;
Pet. III. A. p. 143; PAZB. 7 (13); KB. 3 ( 20 ); Kiel. II, No. 410 ; Limdi.
Punjab. No. 2949; SA. No. 403; No. 1068; PAP. 40 ( 32 ); PAPL. 7
Surat. 6; VC. 14 ( 16 ). (21), PAPS. 48 (81); Pet. I. Nos.
(1) Țikā (Be :-sakalabhuvane ). Pet. 355 ; 356 ; IV. No. 1373 ; Punjab. Nos.
III. A. p. 143. See also Patan Cat. I. p. 2945 to 2947; SA. No. 750; Surat.
122 ( quotation). 1, 6, 7, 9; VC. 14 (14; 17); Weber. II. No. 1823.
(2) Tīkā by Haribhadra (?) Jesal. (1) Svopajña sīkā (Graṁ. 710).
No. 772. Bt. No. 91; JG. p. 142 ; SA. No. 750.
(3) Țikā mentioned by Malayagiri on (2) Bālāvabodha composed in Sam.
the Nandi Sūtra. See Anekānta, Vol. II. 1781 by Vidyāsāgara. Buh. II. No.
p. 549. 323 ; DA. 60 (4; 5; 6).
(4) Prākrta Tikā mentioned and (3) Tikā or Avącūri. Anonymous.
quoted by Malayagiri. See Anekānta, Bhand. V. No. 1244.; Bod. No. 1384 ;! Vol. II. p. 549,
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