RIETTITAIT* is an allegorical drama in 5 Acts (III) HIACaratter by Dhiravijayagaņi. Kath. celebrating King Kumārapāla's support
No. 1160. to Jainism, composed by Yasahpāla, (IV) Raglasitoer in Sam. 1708, by Dhana. minister of King Ajayadeva (A. D. 1173
candra (Dānacandragani), pupil of 1176 ). It is published with an introduc
Vimalaharsa, pupil of Vijayasimhasuri. tion by C. D. Dalal, in the Gaek. 0.
BK. No. 207, Chani. Nos. 57 ; 825; Series, No. 9, Baroda, 1918. Bhand. VI.
PRA. No. 321. No. 1397; BK, No. 1822 ; DB. 22
1) Hagen 121 composed in Sam. 1860 by (168); Hamsa. No. 208 ; JA. 111 (15);
Ksamākalyāņa. JHB. 33. Jesal. No. 1849; JG. p. 337; Kiel. IL
(VI) Alacarafer Anonymous. Agra. Nos. Nos. 50; 257; Pet. III. A. p. 208; Surat
1716-1726 ; Bengal. Nos. 7278; 7436 ; 1; VB. 28 (12).
DA. 60 ( 285 ; 286 ; 294 to 299); JG. मोहराजपराजयनाटक See above.
p. 264 ; JHB 36 ( 7c.); Limdi. No. 728; HIETTA is a small Apabhramba poem by Jina
Mitra. VIII. p. 160 ; SA. Nos. 2894; prabhasūri. See Patan Cat. I. p. 272
2967; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 7, 9; VB. 28 ( 38 ); (quotation )
Vel. No. 1854. ATETEH Surat. 5.
(1) Tīkā. Mitra. VIII. p. 160. Higal by Padmacandrasuri. KC 12.
Ára egiteaga composed in Sam. 1624, by Sadhu* JG. p. 341 ; Limdi. No. 2307.
kirti, pupil of Amaramāņikya of the (1) Raggaff composed in Sam. 1564 by
Kharatara Gaccha. PRA. No. 465. Ravisāgara, pupil of Rājasāgara of the H e r in Sanskrit by Gunacandrācārya. It is Tapā Gaccha during the reign of Vijaya
published at Calcutta, 1924. Idar, 124. senasūri of the Tapā Gaccha. It is pub- qaretiaait in Sanskrit ( Grar. 113 ). PAPR. lished in the Parvakathāsangraha I, in
15 (11). the YJG. Series, No. 16, Benares, Vir gregoria atskiga JG. p. 367. Sam. 2436. Buh. II. No. 229; DA. 60
75 € by Aśādhara. See Pratishāsāroddhāra. (287 ; 288); 76 ( 94 ); Hamsa. No. 73;
alkaa Pet. V. No. 925. JA. 111 ( 22 ); JG. p. 264; Limdi. Nos. 1058; 1382; 1407; PAP. 30.
Tratar DA. 60 ( 131 ). ( 42 dated Sam. 1655 ); PAPS. 66 (I) Masitaic (Prācina, Gram. 132). PAZA. ( 100 ; 102; 104; 105); 68 ( 103 );
5 (6). PRA. No. 826; SA. Nos. 571; 677; (II) zasilane ( Navya ; Graṁ. 498). PAZA. 1983; 2832 ; Tapa. 159.
5 (8). (II) Atamaalaient composed in Sam. 1576 by (III) fatiafiq in 306 Gāthās by SomsprabhāSaubbägyanandin, pupil of Indranandin
cārya ( Be :-kayapavayana ). Somaprabha of the Tapā Gaccha. It is edited by Anu
bodily reproduces the first 24 Gathās in pram Shastri, Madhwas, 1922. Bik.
his work from Jinabhadragani's JitaNo. 1495; BK. Nos 861; 1699;
kalpa ; cf. Pet. III. A. p. 279, lines 7-8. Chani. No. 779 ; DA. 60 ( 289 to 293 );
Hence, its beginning is the same as that Hamsa. No. 1111; JG. p. 264 ; JHA.
of the Jitakalpa. Bhand. VI. No. 1234; 56; JHB. 35; Limdi. Nos. 1106; 1210;
BK. No. 94 ; BO. p. 29; DA. 73 (8); 1492, 1626 , 1664 ; PAP. 62 (9);
DB. 7 (13); JB. 4, 73; JG. p. 56; PAPS. 62 (20); 68 (85); PRA. Nos.
Kap. Nos. 603 ; 604 ; PAPR. 17 (2); 456 ; 493.
PAPS. 22 ( 7, 10); PAZA. 5 ( 7; 8);
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