fr far
(foll 119) VB. 33 (5), Surat. 1, 9. Surat. 1 (foll. 40).
fac in Sarh. 1573 by Mahesvara. See Vicararasiyana.
मन्थविभागः प्रथमः ।
far by Yasovijayagani, pupil of Nayavijaya face of the Tapa Gaocha. Hamsa. No. 464, VB. 33 (88).
(I) far composed in Sarh. 1613 by Nagargani of the Taps Gaocha. BK. No. 116; Hamsa. No. 464; JG. p. 135; PRA. No 1062; VB. 33 (66)
(II) विचारमञ्जरी Anonymous. Probably the same as above (foll. 11); KB. 9 (6); Surat.1. विचारमुखप्रकरण by Amaracandra. See Vastu
vibhaktivicăra. farma (Grarh. 14000) composed by Jayasoma Upadhyaya of the Kharatara Gaccha during the reign of Jinacandrasüri. It was put together in a bookform and committed to writing by Guna
विचारत्नसागर DA. 21 (6) 7).
faceren Agra. No. 852; DA. 76 (10); DB. 21 (8); JG. p. 130, KB. 1(62).
(1) fan
Jain Education International
(1) Tika Svopajña (Gram. 7155). PAPE. 4(7).
60 (8), DB. 32 (55); Flo. Nos. 628, 629; JG. p. 135; Pet. III. A. p. 240, Tapa. 207.
vinaya in Samh. 1657. JG. p. 130; Pet. (I) fra In 116 stanzas composed by Ramacandra, pupil of Hemcandra. III. A. p. 302 (quotation). Weber. II. No. 1972.
fancer in 87 Präkṛta Gathas composed in Samh. 1573, by Maheśvarasuri of the Śripalla Gaccha. BK. No. 1076, DA.
(1) Avacuri. JG. p. 135.
also called Mandalaprakarana (a v.)
contains 99 Prakrta Gathas and was composed in Samh. 1652, by Vinayakusala, pupil of Vijayasenasüri of the Tapä Gaocha. It is based on the Jivabhigamasätra and is published by the Jain. Atmananda Sabha, Bhavnagar, 1922 (Series No. 73). BK. No. 268; Chani. No. 350; DB. 33 (33); JG. p. 135; PAPS. 80 (56); Pet. III. A. p. 240; PRA. No. 737; SA. No. 447, VD. 11 (8)
(1) Tika Svopajña (Gram. 1000) corrected by Labhavijayagani. BK. No. 268; DB. 33 (33), PRA. No. 737, SA. No. 447, VD. 11 (8).
composed in Sam. 1690, by Kir-(II) fara tivijaya, pupil of Hiravijayasuri of the Tapa Gaocha. It is published in the DLP. Series, No, 72, Bombay, 1927. Bhand. VI. Nos. 1247, 1248; BK. No. 243; Chani. No. 538; DB. 21 (6;7); Hamsa. No. 1363; JG. p. 130, PAP. 9. (III) (16), PAPR. 4 (7); PAPS. 47 (17); Punjab. No. 2333; SA. No. 321; SB. 2 (73); VB. 33 (16).
(1) Tiks called Anvaya, by Vilaraja. Weber. II. No. 1972.
composed in Sam. 1674, by Samayasundara of the Kharatara Gaocha. Bhand. V. No. 1223; BK. No. 1791; BO. p. 31, DA. 76(6), Hamsa. No. 464, JG. p. 130; KB. 3 (57), 5 (18); PRA. No. 270.
(11) fanecenme (y) of Devendra. Hamsa. faefer by Merutunga. It is written in Sanskrit
No. 1437; SA. No. 821.
prose and purports to be a commentary on a few Prakṛta Gathās beginning with jam rayapiw. It is otherwise called Sthaviravali and contains a list of some
Anonymous. Agra. No. 1854; Hamsa. No. 529 (This is Laghu Vicărnsataka, Grah. 700), Surat. 1.
विचारशतकबीजक by Kamakalyāra BK. No. 284, Chani. No. 280; Hamsa. Nos. 587; 7481284.
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