p. 126.
DC. p. 56, Hamsa. No. 1582; JG. p. (VII) igrants (Gram 1100) composed in Sam. 234; Kiel. II. No. 404 ; Mitra. VIII. p.
1868 by Jayakirtisuri of the Kharatara 109; IX. p. 84; X. p. 146; Punjab.
Gaccha. It is in Sanskrit prose and is Nos. 2621; 2623.
published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, (2) Vrtti by Candrakirti. Mitra. X.
1908. Bengal. Nos. 2576; 2577;JG.p.234;
Kath. Nos. 1424 ; 1425, KC. 13, Mitra. (II) ENIT composed in Sam. 1514, by
VIII. p. 146; Pet. V. Nos. 857 ; 858; Satyarājagani, pnpil of Guņasamudra.
Punjab. Nos. 2617; 2618; 2620; SA. sūri of the Purnimā Gaccha. It consists
No. 2049 ; Vel. No. 1782. of above 500 Sanskrit stanzas and
(1) Tikā. Bengal. No. 2576. is published in the Vijayadānasurisvara (VIII) fia of Jivarājagani. JHB. 35 : Granthamālā, No. 4, Surat. Sam. 1995..
Kath. Nos. 1424 ; 1425; KB. 1 (12); DA. 50 (7; 10; 11); Jesal. No. 841;
KC. 13. JG D. 234; Kundi. No. 18; Mitra. X. (IX) stargata of Somacandragaại. It is in p. 132 ; PAPS. 66 (36); PRA. No.
Sanskrit prose. DA. 50 (8); DB. 28 1192 (date of composition is not given
(23);JG. p. 234. in this PRA.); Punjab. Nos. 2624 ; (X) s tart by Ksamākalyāņa. See Com. (1) 2628 ; Samb. No. 159 ; VB. 36 ( 58 ).
on Srinālacaritra No I (III) wargas composed in Sam. 1554, by (XI) siqanita by Vijayasimhasūri. VA. 18 Satyasägaragami ( Satyarāja ?). PAPR.
( 32 to 34 ). 25 ( 13 ).
( XII) siarcata (Gram. 1338 ) of Virabhadra(IV) sfgrgafta composed in Sam 1557 by
sūri. VD. 15 ( 19 ). Labdbisāgara, pupil of Udayasāgara of (XIII) sfigrores of Pradyumnasūri in Prākrta. . the Vrddha Tapā Gaccha. See Sripäla
VB. 40 (14). kathā.
(XIV) sforzarta of Saubhāgyasuri. KN. 17. (V) sutarts in Sanskrit, by Dharmadhira, l(XV) siquia of Hargasuri. KN. 11.
pupil of Vijayaratnasuri of the Veddha (XVI) sfregits of Hemacandrasuri. Perhaps Tapā Gaccha. DA. 50 (9, ms. dated
the same as No. L DA. 50 (12-15), Sam. 1575), PAP. 12 (19); PAPR.
Surat. 1, 6; VB. 37 ( 54 ). 20 (6); Pet. V. No. 865 (ms. dated
(XVII) sigars of Ksemalaka Kavi. Idar. Sarn. 1573 ); PRA. No. 736 dated
105. Sam. 1593 ), Surat. 1 (1012).
(XVIII) sfigura of Jagannātha Paņdita. (VI) sfareata (in Sanskrit prose ) composed
List. by Jñanavimalasuri, pupil of Nayavirala
(XIX) stigt ofta of Indradevarasa. AK. Nos. in Sam. 1745 during the reign of Vijaya.
792 ; 793. ratuasūri, successor of Vijayaprabhasūri
(XX) Gaita of Naradeva. Lal. 24. of the Tapā Gaccha. It is published in the DLP. Series, No. 56, Bombay, 1917.
( XXI) fruigata of Narasena. It is in ApaIn some places it is ascribed to Naya
bhrarsa. Lal. 144; List (Delhi, Mathura). vimala, pupil of Dhiravimala, through (XXII) sig after in 9 chapters composed in mistake. Buh. II. No. 382 ; Hamsa. No.
Sam. 1585 by Brahma Nemidatta, pupil 26, JG. p. 234 ; PRA. No. 1069; VB.
of Simhanandin and Mallibhūsaņa of the 37 ( 49 ); VD. 15 ( 16 ).
the Sarasvati Gaccha ; cf. Bhand. IV. pp.
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