istifarroa: 1
old Jain kings with their traditional
IX. p. 18; PAPS. 81 ( 104 ), PAZB. dates. It is published in the Jain
6 ( 35 ); Pet. IV. No. 1273 ; V. Nos. Sahitya Samshodhak, May 1925; also
827; 828 ; Vel. No. 1622. cf. JBBRAS., IX. p. 147 for a summary
(2) Tīkā by Isvarācārya. Kath. No. of the same. Buh. II. No. 378 : DA,
1415 (ms. dated Sam. 1654). 37 (71); JG. p. 162; Vel. No. 1656.
(3) Tikā composed in Sarn. 1675 TartuEŞTHT composed in Sam. 1579, by
by Rupacandra, pupil of Bhānucandra Gajasāra, pupil of Dhavalacandra of the
of the Tapā Gaccha. AM. 231; DA. Kharatara Gaccha. It consists of 40
58 ( 84 ; 86; 87 ), 76 ( 46 ); DB. 34 Gathās and is otherwise called Dandaka
( 45 to 48 ); Hamsa. No. 1324 ; JG. caturvimsati. It is published with the
p. 124 ; PRA. No. 317; SA. No. 404. commentary of Rūpacandra, by Venicand Surchand, Mhesana, 1916 and also
(4) Cūrņi Anonymous. Bhand. V. by the JAS., Bhavnagar, Sam. 1972.
No. 1224; Bengal. Nog. 2523; 2606 ; Text alone is published by Bhimsi Manek,
7281; 7647. Bombay 1903, in his Laghuprakaraņa- raraga tal composed in Sam. 1682 by sangraha. Text with Svopajñațīkā, publi
Balacandra. Punjab. No. 2339. shed by the JDPS., Bhavanagar, Sam (1) fa g (Gran. 2200 ) composed) in Sarn. 1964. Agra. Nos. 1941-1952; AM.
1443 by Kulamandanasuri, pupil of 231; 244; Bengal. Nos. 2523;
Devasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. 6640; 7281 ; 7647; 7667; Bhand.
It is also called VI. Nos. 1249; 1250; BO. P. 61;
or Siddhāntālāpakoddhāra. Bhand. V. Cal. X. Nos. 106; 122; DA. 58
No. 1225; VI. Nos. 1080 (ms. ( 84to 94; 118 to 123 ); 76 (46;
dated Sam. 1506); 1251 ( ms. dated 47 ); DB. 34 (45 to 53); Flo. Nos.
Sam. 1463 ); DA. 36 ( 52 ); 37(1; 630; 631; Hamsa. Nos. 88; 270;
2; 64; 65 ); DB. 20 ( 23 ; 24.); 340; 921; 1094; 1324; Jesal. No.
21 (10; 11 ); Hamsa. Nos. 520; 900; 274; JG. p. 124 ; JHA. Nos. 47; 69
Kath. No. 1417 ; KB. 1 ( 28 ); PAPR. (8c); JHB. 28 ( 13 c. ); Kath. Nos.
1 ( 13 ); PAPS. 48 (64; 87 ) ; PAZA. 1414; 1415, Limdi. Nos. 535; 633;
9 (31; ms. dated Sam. 1463 ); PAZB. 1067; 1086; 1248; 1298; 1388;
3 ( 11 ); Pet. III. No. 628 (ms. dated 1459; 1493; 1511; 1666; 1667;
Sam. 1443 ); PRA. No. 295; Punjab. 1745; Mitra. IX. p. 18; PAPS. 81
No. 2340 ( ms. dated Sam. 1519 ); SA. (104); PAZB. 6 ( 35 ); Pet. III. A.
Nos. 112 ; 326; VA 15 ( 15 ); VB. p. 212; IV. No. 1273 ; V. Nos. 709;
33 ( 23 ); VD. 13 ( 38 ); Weber. II. 827 ; 828 ; PRA. No. 317; Punjab.
No. 1960. Nos. 2334 to 2338; SA. Nos. 404;
(II) EITHE ( Gram. 22000 ) by Somaprabha1838; Samb. No. 304; VA. 8 (8); Vel. Nos. 1622; 1657.
sūri. VD. 13 ( 11 ). i (1) Țika Svopajña composed in Sam.
(III) ( )
THE by Samayamāņikyagaņi. BK. 1579 at Patan. Bhand. V, No. 1224;
No. 1335. BO. p. 61; DA. 58 (88 to 94 ); (IV) rettege Anonymous. DB. 21 (9; 15, 16; Hamsa. No. 270; JHA. 47; JHB.
17 ; 22; 23; 25), JHB. 55 (foll. 52) 28 (2c); Limdi. No. 1086; Mitra.
SA. No. 2686.
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