ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः ।
All these, however, seem to be the mss.
dharma, pupil of Lāvanyadharma of of the next work.
the Tapā Gaccha. This is a commentary (II) Tag (Gram. 5450) also called Prasnottara
which gives a hundred meanings of a paddhati, composed by Mahendrasimha
single stanza i. e. No. 51 from Dharmasuri, pupil of Dharmaghosa of the Añcala
dāsa's Upadeśamālā beginning "dāsassa Gaccha, in Sam. 1294. This is nothing
jalamūlam ' etc. Agra. Nos. 2956; 2957 ; but a revised and to a certain extent
2958; BK. No. 138; DA. 74 (45); enlarged form of Dharmaghosa's work
Hamsa. No. 1526 ; JG. p. 344 ; PAPR. as the author himself plainly states. A
1(11); PAPS. 66 ( 92 ); PRA. No. ms. containing Dharmaghosa's original
1084; Surat. 1 ( 826 ) ; 4. work does not seem to exist. Only this (I) Tarifi by Somaprabhācārya, author of the one is mentioned at Bt. No. 160. AM.
Kumārapālapratibodha. It is a single 282, Bt. No. 160; Buh. III. Nos. 134;
stanza in the Vasantatilaka metre (Be :135; Chani, No. 15; DA. 31 (62),
kalyāṇasārasavitāna) interpreted by the 76 ( 3 ); DB. 16 (23; 24 ); JA. 104
author in 100 ways so as to be applicable (2); JG. P. 164; Kaira. B. 27, Kiel.
to the 24 Tirthankaras, several BrahmaIII. No. 177; Limdi. No. 55; PAP.
nical deities, and the important con72 (16); PAPM. 60 (1 dated Sam.
temporary persons connected with 1300); PAPR. 22 ( 33 ), PAS. No. 5;
Jainism. See Winternitz, History, II. PAZB. 20 (8); Pet. I. A. p. 12; V. A.
p. 573 and Introduction to Kumārapālap. 66 (dated Sam. 1300 ); SA. Nos.
pratibodha ( Gaek. O. S.), pp. 6ff. ; 10ff. 22; 1617.
Baroda. No. 2942; BK. No. 23; (III) Tagi by Kadava Mati. DB. 20 ( 30 ; 31 ).
Hamsa. No. 1679 ; PRA. No. 1072. a leTTIET composed in Sam. 1453, by Meru
(1) Svopajña Vrtti. Baroda. No. tungasūri, pupil of Mahendraprabha of
2942; BK. No. 23. the Añcala Gaccha. This is an abridg. (II) stareff composed during the spiritual reign of ment of Dharmaghoşa's Satapadi. AM.
Hiravijayasuri of the Tapā Gaccha, by 334 ; DA. 31 ( 63, 64); JG. p. 164,
Mánasāgara, pupil of Buddhisāgara of Kath. No. 1301; PAP. 72 ( 93 ); SA.
the same Gaccha. This also is a single Nos. 22; 1617 ; Pet. III. No. 653; IV.
stanza (be :- parigrahārambhamagna ; No. 1340 = IV. A. p. 115 ( quotation);
cf. JG. p. 344 foot-note ) interpreted in VC. 15. (3).
a hundred ways. BK. No. 384 , Hamsa. TETESTTTT DB. 20 ( 58 ). See Prasnottarasata.
Nos. 133; 528; JG. p. 344 ; Limdi. garra (This must be Satprābhrta) by Kunda
No. 1075, PAPR. 18 ( 28 ); PRA. Nos. kundācārya. Pet. IV. No. 1478.
335 ; 676; SA. No. 316 ; Surat. 1, 5, 9. (1) Tikā. Anonymous. Pet. IV. No. (III) starft composed in Sam. 1539, by Jina1478.
māņikyasūri. Bengal. No. 2585, DB. wastant of Vopadeva on Medicine (Non-Jain).
39 (19). (1) Vyākhyāna by Jinacandra of the
| (IV) Tarat by Udayadharma ; see Satärthavrtti. Begada Gaccha. Jesal. No. 673. (V) Taraff Anonymous. SB. 2 ( 161-two copies ). TABLECERT JG. p. 356.
7 2 1461 composed in Sam. 1518 by Subhaargit JG. P. 352. .
sila. Strags. B. No. 428. This is identiTardare composed in Sam. 1605, by Udaya
cal with Satrunjayakalpa (II) Vrtti.
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