ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
author of the Nitivākyāmrta, where this
804; SA. No. 49; VD. 11 (18); is mentioned. The author is a Digam
Weber. II. No. 1992. bara writer. It was composed in Saka (V) GETITEITE by Padmasāgara, pupil of 881 during the regin of Krsnadeva III of
Dharmasāgara of the Tapā Gaccha. See the Rastrakūta Dynasty. It is edited with
HJL. p. 587. a commentary (No. 2 ) in the Kávya
(VI) TTTarta in Sanskrit (Gram. 1850) commālā Series, Bombay, 1901. Compare
posed in Saka 1353 by Kalyāṇakirti. AK. also Hultzsch, Journal of the Mythic
No. 615. See Anekānta I. p. 82, f. n. Society, 1922, p. 218 ff. Bhand. VI. No. 1065; BO. p. 72; CP. p. 683; DLB.
B ( VII ) T afta by Jñānakirti. Idar, 103, 27 ; Hum. 200; Idar. 93; 95; JG. p.
Tera. 12. 332, Lal. 376; 384, MHB. 22 ; Pet. II ( VIII.) Tafta by Brahma Nemidatta. CP. No. 274 = II. A. p. 147 ( quotation);
p. 684. SG. No. 29 ; SRB. 179; 182; Strass p. (IX) Tutafta by Padmanandin. SG. No. 309; Tera. 2 to 5.
1766. (1) Panjikā by Srideva. JG. p. 332; (X) Titafis composed in Sanskrit by PadmaPet. III. No, 547 ; PR. No. 90.
nābha Kayastha, at the request of Kusa(2) Tikā by Srutasāgara. Idar. 93
rāja Mantrin and at the advice of Guņa(ms. dated Sam.1602 ); cf. also JH. Vol.
kirti. Kusarāja was the minister of 15, p. 188. It runs only up to a portion
King Virama of the Tomara family of of ch. V and seams to have been left in
Gwalior wbo lived in Sam. 1462. See JH. complete by the author. It is published
Vol. 15, pp. 225-226. AD. No. 15; in the Kāvyamālā edition.
Baroda. No. 2211; CP. p. 684 ; Kath. (1) STUTAT by Kşamākalyāņa, pupil of
No. 1161 ; Lal. 39; Mud. 371; SG. Amrtadharma of the Kharatara Gaccha.
No. 2318. Composed in Sarn. 1839. It is in San- (XI ) Tafts in Apabhramsa by Puspadanta skrit prose. Baroda. No. 2074; BK.
Kavi, son of Keśava Edited in the No. 1825; Hainsa. No. 1267; JG. p.
Karanja Jain Series, 1931, by Dr. P. L. 230; Kiel. II. No. 394; PRA. No.
Vaidya with Introduction etc. CMB. 75; 1163; SA. No. 49.
CP. p. 684; Idar. 103; Kath. No. 1162; (II) यशोधरचरित्र in Sanskrit by Hemakunjara
Lal. 24; SG. No. 1270; Tera. 13. Upādhyāya, pupil of Dharmacandragani. (XII) FTTETT by Pūrņadeva. Lal. 139. JG. p. 230 ; PAP. 30 (16; ms. dated (XIII) TTTTTarta by Mallisena. Mud. 744. Sam. 1607).
(XIV ) T aica in 4 cantos ( Slokas 296 in (III) ATTUTTIT composed in Saṁ. 1623 by
all) by Vădirājasūri, author of the Jñānadāsa, pupil of Nānaji of the Lunka
Pārsvanāthacaritra and of the KäkutsthaGaccha. PAP. 12 (38).
caritra. It is edited by Gopinath Rao, (IV) Tiyata in 14 cantos by Māņikyasıāri.
Tanjore, 1912, in the Sarasvati Vilasa It is in Sanskrit and is edited by Hiralal
Series, No. 5. AD. No. 82 ; AK. No. Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1910. Bhand. V.
616 ; CP. p. 683; Hum. 21 ; Idar. 103; No, 1308; VI. No. 1332; Chani. No.
JG. p. 230; KO. 132 , Mud. 247 ; 294 ; 266 ; DB. 29 ( 25 ; 26 ; 43); JG. p.
306; 311; Mysore. II. p. 133, Pet. IV. 230; KN. 48 ; Limdi. No. 1076 ; PAP.
No. 1467 = IV. A. p. 162; V. No. 805 ; 73 ( 10 ); PAPS. 63 (36); Pet. V. No.
PR. No. 2 ( dated Sam. 1547); PRA,
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