not the same as the author of the Arā- |
put together by Harsanidhāna, pupil of dhanā, according to the editor who
Gunanidhāna of the Añcala Gaccha. It is points out how vv. 22, 63, 64 propound
published with a Gujrati Translation by doctrines opposed to those of the Arā.
the JDPS., Bhavnagar, Sam. 1985. DA. dhanā and how v. 65 may have been
60 ( 100 ). borrowed from Somadeva's Yasastilaka (IV) Taciau Anonymous. Bhand. V. No. 1218; Campu. AK. No. 644, CP, p. 686 ;
DB. 34 (109; 110 ); Hamsa. Nos. 62 Hum. 31; KO. 81.
(Prākrta ); 847 (Sanskrit ); JG. p.135; TEHIOT Kiel. II. No. 73.
Kaira. A. 184; Kath. No. 1339, KB. 2 U JG. p. 356.
(15); PAPS. 60 (13), Pet. IV. No.
1319 ; SA. Nos. 2509 ; 2569; Strass. Toate Agra. No. 1683.
B. No. 446; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 6, 8; VB. 30 TETETT Anon. Agra. No. 1558; Bhand. V.
(28). Nos. 1309; 1310 ( ms. dated Saṁ.1553;
# 4 KB. 1 (8); Surat. 2. DA. 50 (107 ; 108) ; DB. 31 (32; 33 ).
TAET JG. p. 360. (I) Tastetargiaa (Gram. 8000 ) in Prā
TERET by Kundakunda. It contains 167 Prākrta krta by Jinaharsa, pupil of Jayacandra
Gāthās and is published in the MDG. of the Tapā Gaccha. He composed his
Series No. 17, Bombay, Sam. 1977. Vimsatisthānakasamgraha (s. v.) in
AK. Nos. 647 to 650; Buh. VI. No. 664; Sam. 1502, and Vastupālacaritra in Sam.
CMB. 49; Hum. 34 ; JHA. 68 , KB. 1 1497. It is published in the JAS. Series,
(53), Rice. p. 310 ; Surat, 5, 8. No. 63, Bhavnagar, Sam. 1974, and also TETTHE T DB. 31 (120). in the Jain Vividha Sābitya Sastramālā Tre by Jinaharsa. SA. No. 216 (is it No. 10, Benares, 1918. BK. No. 1927;
Ratnasekharakathā ?) PAPS. 61 (9); Pet. IV. No. 1318-IV. Tarn by Budhamangala. CP. p. 686.
A. p. 111; SA. Nos. 216 ; 1608 ; 1785. रत्नाकरपञ्चविंशतिका also known as Vitaragastotra (II) रत्नशेखरनरपतिकथा by Ratnasekharasuri.
by Ratnākarasuri. Text alone is publishLimdi. No. 1278, SA, No 2806; VB.
ed by Bhimsi Manek, Bombay, 1903 in 30 ( 27 ).
his Laghuprakaranasangraha ; cf. also Far araalia in 380 Slokas composed in
Winternitz, History, II. p. 557. BK. San. 1463 by Dayāvardhanagani, pupil
Nos. 109; 364; 1195; DA. 41 (97; of Jayatilakasuri (Jayacandra ?). The
98); 75 (19); DB. 24 ( 67, 68, 69); work is also known as Parvavicāra and
Hamsa. Nos. 691 ; 814 ; JG. p. 288; Parvatithivicāra. Chani. No. 564; DA.
Limdi. Nos. 871; 940; 1035; 1594 ; 50 (107; 108, 109); Hamsa. No.
1627 ; 1657; Pet. VI. No. 617 ; SA. 1510; JG. p. 258; Pet. IV. No. 1339 ;
Nos. 749 ; 1087; Surat. 1, 2, 7; VC.
12 ( 23 ). PRA. No. 999.
(1) Vrtti (Gram. 1308 ) by Vāghaji. 17997199 DA. 61 ( 41 ); JG. p. 217.
JG. p. 288, SA. No, 749. (I) T AT by Vinayarājagani of the Ancala
(2) sīkā by Kanakakusala, pupil of Gaccha. BK, No. 271; PRA. No. 281.
Vijayasenasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. BK. (II) TARY by Hemaprabhasūri. BO. p. 61.
No. 364 ; DA. 75 (19); DB. 24 ( 67; (III) रत्नसंचय (प्रकरण ) is a collection of about | 68); Pet. VI. No. 617; SA. No. 749; 547 Prakrta Gāthās from different works,
Surat. 1, 2, 7; VC. 12 ( 23 )
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