etc., see SGR. 1. p. 111. AD. NO. 84;
f CMB. 29; CP. p. 650, Kath. No. 1234;
(I) E Pet. III. No. 503 ; SG. Nos. 3; 4; Tera. 32 to 41 ; 43 to 46; Vel. No. 1613.
(1) Lāțivyäkbyā composed by Somadeva, pupil of Pujyapāda and Giņa- (II) candrasuri. It is based on the Kanarese commentary of Srutamuni according to SGR. I. p. 111. SG. Nos. 3 ; 4.
(2) Vyākhyā. Anon. CMB. 29;
Tera. 40; 41 ; 43 ; 44 ; 45 ; 46. Hiew by Harşakula, pupil of Laksmīsägarasuri
of the Tapā Gaccha. This is the same as Bandbahetūdayatribhangi by Haryakula (s. v.). Bhand. VI. No. 1165.
(1) Tiká composed in Sam. 1602 by Vijayavimalagani, pupil of Anandavimalasuri. Bhand. VI. No. 1165 (copied by Anandavijayagasi in Sam. 1662);
PRA. No. 1042. layanafia KC. 12. Is it Tribhuvanasimha
caritra ? yaaemangaru by Jayasekharasūri. It is pub
lished in the Jaina Dharmābhyudaya Granthamālā, Bhavanagar. Agra. No.
1804 ; DA. 67 ( 58 ); PAZB. 23 ( 35). fayansita (Gadya ; Gran. 684). Published
by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 192223. DB. 31 ( 52 ); JG. p. 224 ; PAPS.
48 ( 111 ): u eria of Pātrakesarin ; it is mentioned in
Vādirāja's commentary on Nyāyevi. niscaya ; verses from this seem to have also been quoted in the Tattvasarigraba of śāntarakṣita. See Anekānta, I. pp. 74-75. It is also mentioned in Sravan
Belgula Inscription No. 54, v. 12. garmarkaaitraan KB. 2 ( 17 ).
a=7 ( foll. 16). SB. 2 (94). fanfaat in Sanskrit by Subhacandra. SG.
.: No. 2159. formatiqət by Indravāmadeva. See Trailokya
dipaka. Idar. A. 19; Rice. p. 318.
r See Trailokyaprajñapti.
F IT (Gram. 3000) in Sanskrit by Srutakevalin. Mud. 627. Perhaps the same as the next one.
FIT containing 1018 Prākrta Gathās was composed by Nemicandra, pupil of Abhayanandin in order to impart knowledge to Kiny Cámundarāya. Several Gāthás were added later to the original work by the author's pupil Madhavacandra Traividya, who also commented upon the work; cf. quotation from his commentary at SGR. I. p. 108ff. Both text and commentary are published in the MDG. Series, No. 12, Bombay, 1919. AD. Nos. 19; 39, AK. Nos. 1004 to 1007; Bengal. No. 1512; Bhand. VI. No. 1002 ; Bub. VI. No. 599; CMB. 41; 165; CP. p. 651 ( 26 mss.) ; Hebru. 19; 42 ; Hum. 37; 101 ; 167 ; Idar. 22 ( 12 copies ); 23; Idar. A. 16 ( 6 copies ); Kath. No. 1085 ; KO. 12; 13; 20; Mitra. VI. p. 97; Mud. 164; Padma. 19; 134; Pet. II, No. 268 ; IV. No. 1431 = IV. A. p. 151 ( quotation); PR. Nos. 162; 253 ; Rice. p. 320; SG. Nos. 2; 619, 1306 ; 1307; 2023; Tera. 2 to ]1; 17; 18; Vel. No. 1614.
(1) Vrtti called Karaṇānuyoga composed by the author's pupil Mādhavacandra Traividya, who also added a few stanzas to the original text. See SGR. I. p. 108ff. AK. NO 1007; Bengal. No. 1512 ; Bhand. VI. No. 1002; Buh. VI. No. 599; CMB. 41; CP. p. 651 (9 mss.); Hum. 37; 101 ; 167; Idar. 22 ( 2 copies ); Mitra. VI. p. 97, Mysore. I. p. 96; II. p. 282; Padma. 19; 134; Pet. IV. No. 1431 ; Rice. p. 320; SG. No. 619.
(2) Țikā by Sahasrakirti. Idar. 23.
(3) Vrtti by Abhayacandra. Mud. 164.
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