DA. 50 (64-70); 75 (35; 36), DB. Oraparuhan Bhand. V. No. 1080. 31 ( 70 ); Hamsa. No. 826 ; Limdi. Nos. qiela12FAUT of Padmanandin. Pet. JII. No. 531. 594 ; 770; SA. Nos. 1751; 1868 ;
(I) पार्श्वनाथकाव्य See Parsvābhyudayakāvya of
m a is 2009.
Jinasena. grogich 417 BO. p. 60.
(II) q arthieu in seven chapters by Padma. 919929 e a Limdi. No. 278.
sundara, pupil of Padmameru, pupil of que la composed in Sam. 1422 by Hari
Anandameru. The author is very likely Brāhmaṇa (Salakṣamantrin according to
a Digambara and is identical with the JG.). This is probably Non-Jain. JG.
author of Rāyamallodaya in Sain. 1615. p. 311; SA. Nos. 254; 859; 861.
Baroda. No. 2213; Bhand. VI. No. The work is otherwise called Sabdaviläsa.
1385 ( ms. dated Sam. 1618); Bod. No. giregiã by Yasodevasuri, pupil of Uddyotana
1403 ; JG. p. 243. sūri, pupil of Pradyumnasüri. Pet. I. (III) gratie See Pārsvanāthapurāņa of A. pp. 3; 90; 98 (ms. dated Sam.
Vădirāja (No. 1). 1289).
(I) quedarafta (Gram. 9000 ) by Devabhadragirrtýrgrafaret ( Be : indiyāṇam acittasanjaye).
gani, pupil of Sumati Upādhyāya and Pet. V. A. p. 63.
Prasannacandra, both pupils of AbhayaQUEEastlagiti Pet. I. Nos. 273 ; 306. This
devasuri. It is in Prākrta and contains five is a portion of the Avasyakaniryukti of
chapters and was composed in Sam. 1168 Bhadrabāhu.
at Bharoch. Very curiously this work is oranga (Gram. 200). VB. 22 ( 36 ).
mentioned in the Prasasti of an earlier araftarEFTEN (Gram. 957) by
work of the author i. e., Kathāratnakosu ; Ratnaprabha. JG. p. 267.
cf. Pet. III. A. p. 140. This is probably que Erza DB. 20 ( 57).
because this Prasasti was composed later. पार्श्वजिनपद्मावतीस्तोत्र Bengal. No. 7044.
Bt. No. 277; DC. p. 37; JA. 20 (1);
Jesal. No. 25; JG. p. 244; Kundi. No. qresarati Hargla Bengal. No. 7633.
229 ; PAS. No. 304 (dated Sam. 1199); greitafaa7 in Prākrta, Punjab. No. 1652.
Patan. Cat. I. p. 219; Pet. III. A. p. 64; qrai hargla by Viddhivijaya. BO. p. 30.
( quotations ); PRA. No. 1278 (No. (I) qraistareata by Jinavallabhagani. Limdi. No.
20). 1288.
(II) q argita also called Pārsvanātha-Dasa. (II) raitapata by Jinaprabhasuri. Limdi. No.
bhavacaritra, containing 2564 Prakrta 1442.
Gathās. Anonymous. Bt. No. 278; gratinatguistika by Kirtirāja. See Lakşmana
JA. p. 245. vihāraprasasti.
(III) gravaits by Sarvänandasüri, pupil of qraqalpaig ( g iri) by Silaratna. Publi
Gunabhadrasuri of the Jālihara Gaccha. shed in the Appendix to the JAS. Series,
This is mentioned in Sam. 1254, by the No. 441, Bhavnagar, Sar. 1971.
author's grand-pupil Devasuri, (pupil of पार्श्वनाथअध्यात्मस्वरूपस्तवन by Somatilakasuri. Chani.
Dharmgboşa ), in his Padmaprabhacaritra No. 768.
(s. v.). This is different from the next. qidalyugtapata by Kalyāṇasāgarasuri, pupil (IV) qaagafia ( Be:- om namo višvamitrāya ; of Dharmamūrti of the Añcala Gaccha.
Gram. 5278 ) composed in Sam. 1276, PAP. 40 (29).
by Māņikyacandra, pupil of Sagaracandra,
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