bhrar. It is pubhash
stanzas containing sixteen arguments to
stotra in 44 Gáthás. See under it. Buh. prove the eternity of Sabda. BK. No.
IV. No. 251 ; JG. p. 287 ; KN. 12; 559; Chani. Nos. 393 ; 450 ; PAP. 24
Limdi. No. 1288; Pet. V. No. 794 , ( 22 ); 27 ( 48 ); 64 ( 20 ); SA. Nos.
PRA. No. 883. 413 ; 466 ; 511 ; 577; 1744; Vel. No. (V) grattarca in Prākrta composed in Sam. 1056.
1139 by Guņacandragani, pupil of (1) Dipikā by a non-Jain. BK.
Sumati Vācaka. It is in 8 chapters and No. 559; Chani. No. 450 ; PAP. 27
was composed at the command of Pra ( 48 ); 64 ( 20 ); SA. Nos. 413 ; 466 ;
sannacandrasuri, pupil of Jinacandra511, 577; Vel. No. 1056.
sūri, the author of the Sarnvegaranga(2) Dipikāvrtti or Tippana, by
sala (Be: payadiyasamaththaviththaram). Bhuvanasundara, pupil of Somasundara
The language is artificial and beautiful. sūri of the Tapā Gaccha. Bhand. VI.
The work also contains about 50 Apa. No. 1394 ; BK, No. 559; Chani. No.
bhramsa verses ; cf. ABORI., Vol. 16, F. 450 ; PAP. 27 ( 48 ) ; 64 ( 20 ); SA.
38. It is published in the DLP. Series., Nos. 413 ; 465; 511; 577; Vel. No.
No. 75, Bombay, 1929. Bt. No. 280 ; 1056.
Chani. No. 73; DC. p. 38 (ms. dated ( II ) Age of Vadindra. Both the text and the
Sam. 1242 ); DI. p. 45; PAPM. 49;
Patan Cat. I. p. 361 ; PAZB. 3 ( 3 ); 6 commentary are published in the Gaek.
( 33 ), Pet. V. A. p. 32 ( quotations ). 0. Series, Baroda, 1920.
(1) Tīkā by Bhuvanasundara of the (VI) Heritafta by Hemacandra (Gram. 12025). Tapā Gaccha. Hamsa. No. 628 ; JG. p.
This is the 10th Parvan of the Trişasti96 ; SA. Nos. 413 ; 465.
salākāpuruşacaritra. DB. 27 ( 12; 13 );
JA, 22 ( 1 ); 78 (1), 95 (8); 111 Hellulara (y) by Bhuvanasundara, pupil of
( 27 ); Jesal. No. 830 ; PAP. 20 (3); Somasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha.
32 ( 3; 5); PAPL. 1 ( 7 ); PAPM. 14 SA. No. 1744, Vel. No. 1056.
(dated Sam. 1368 ); 38 ; VA. 14 (25), (1) helicata (Grań. 3000) by Nemicandra
VD. 11 ( 10 ). suri, also known as Devendragani, com
(VII) haritafta by Asaga. JG. p. 245. See posed in Sam. 1141 (Be:-panamaha
Vardhamānacaritra. padbamajiņindam. ). It is published by the JAS., Bhavnagar, Sam. 1973 ( Series
III) Agritarta Anon. Agra. No. 1491 ; Bt. No. 58). See Jacobi, Sanatkumāracariya,
No. 279; JG. p. 245 ; Surat. 1, 7. Intro. p. XXII. Bt. No. 281; JA. 107
#grattaita in the Apabhramsa language. It (7); JG. p. 245; Patan Cat. I p. 286 (ms.
contains 24 stanzas by an unknown dated Sarn. 1236 ; quotation ); Pet. I. A.
author. Patan Cat. I. p. 271 (Be :-- p. 67 (dated Sam. 1190).
sumarivi sirijiņa ). Taitara In Prakrta by Devasuri, pupil of AETATTHIET BO. p. 60.
Mānadevasūri. Jesal. No. 821. (III) Aeratura In 108 Apabhrarna stanzas Herefterra@artera DA. 71 (112); SA. No. composed by some pupil of Jineśvara
2860. sūri. JA. 106 (17); JG. p. 245.
(1) Tīkā. DA. 71 (112). (IV) haraitafta by Jina vallabhasūri. This is herifugeglur Faia by Jinavallabhasūri. BK. another name of the Duriyara yasamira
No. 698.
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