sig alat also called Misralinganirnaya or Linga- gitngit aru by Harsakula. JG. p. 151.
nirņaya, was composed by Kalyāṇasāgara g are of Jagannātha. See Sitārbara parājaya. ( described as Sivasimdhu by Udaya- greraator VB. 28 (34). sägara in his Snātrpancāśikā composed
garagia by Paramānanda. Mitra. in Sam. 1704 ; cf. Pet. III. A. P. 238,
X. p. 103. v. 3 ), pupil and successor of Dharmamürti of the Añcala Gaccha. It
yaale IFTTT by Vardhamānasuri. Chani. is a
No. 299. Published in the Prakaranadictionary of nouns having more than
samuccaya ', Indore, 1923. one gender in Sanskrit. It was composed
gwaragiasaait (Graṁ. 240). JG. p. for the author's pupil Vinītasagara. The
154 ; PAP. 25 ( 28 ). information given on page 311 of JG., about the author is wrong. The author an IEC T DB. 20 (25; 26). lived between Sam. 1670 and 1709. Buh.
THAUTSTÖTT by Ratnamandanagani, pupil of VI. No. 762, Chani. No. 238; DA. 61
Nandiratna of the Tapā Gaccha. The ( 67 ); JG. pp. 307 ; 311, PAPS. 81
work is on Rhetoric. DB. 38 (40); ( 85 ); PRA. Nos. 373 ; 904 ; SA.
JG. p. 311; Pet. VI. No. 375 = VI. A. No. 831.
p. 31 ( quotation ); SA. Nos. 740; ANGFaia by Kalyāṇasūri. See Misralingakosa
1699 ; 1721 ; 2700. above. Buh. VI. No. 762 ; JG. p. 307.
(1) Vrtti. SA. Nos. 740; 1699; aday of Devanātha. See Krishnamachariar,
1721; 2700. History of Sanskrit Literature, p. 296.
graraala by Madanasūri (Graṁ. 600). VB. 28
(9). AFTE Higua by Sivjilāla. List ( S. J.)
guage sitíffi composed in Sam. 1450, by H artgat hy Viśvabhūsaņa. CP. p. 681.
Kulamaņdanasūri of the Tapā Gaccba. tialgijat Bhand. VI. No. 992.
Extracts from this are published in the Igician4 in Apabhra msa. See Allahabad
Prācina Gujarāti Gadyasandarbha, p. U. Studies, I. p. 181.
172 ff., Ahmedabad, Sam. 1986. Bhand. (I) aidatanga by Sumatisägara. Idar. 72.
IV. p. 16; Chani. No. 1011 ; DA. 63 (II) g argaalaga by śāntisuri. SGR. IV.
(28); Limdi. Nos. 694 ; 918; PAP. 17 p. 37.
(12); 26 (57; 71); PRA. No. 712. (III) afcaalarga by Ratnakirti. List. (Savai Th JG. P. 257. Jaipur ).
(I) 557atasar by Vijayasimhasūri. Chani. No. (IV rafcgatunga by Yasahkirti. Idar. 72
218 ; perhaps the same as the next. ( 2 copies ).
(II) Hair by Jayasimhasūri, pupil of g aigaalaga Anonymous. Flo. No. 696 ;
Mahendrasuri of the Krsnarsi Gaccha. Pet. VI. p. 143, No. 95.
PRA. No. 370. a f ficial by Yasovijayagani, pupil of Naya- Hisagie composed in Sain. 1475. Kaira. vijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. According
B. 75. to JG. p. 105, foot-note, it forms part of the author's Vairāgyakalpalatā (s v.).
MTFifagaru by Merutunga. A portion of PraJG. p. 105; SA. No. 283.
bandhacintāmaņi. JG. p. 217. gif 1971 (Be :- duhkhadhvamsa) by Parmā. taa by Gunasena. Pet. VI. No. 626.
nanda, in Sanskrit. Mitra. X. p. 96. 91922Surat. 1.
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