fint: 444: 1
g h DB. 22 (53); Hamsa. No. 661; JG. p. (IV) glagfagita (Anon.) Agra. Nos. 1500154.
1506; JHA. 52. मुद्रितकुमुदचन्द्रनाटक describing the defeat of the मुनिपतिचरित्रसारोद्धार in Sanskrit. DA. 49 (42%; Digambara Kumudacandra, at the court
43 ; 45 ); Vel. No. 1768. of King Jayasimba of Ahnilwad in 1124 ATST Bengal. No. 7713. A. D. It was composed by Yasascandra, Harg h JG. p. 202. pupil of Padmacandra. It is published Gaaraan in 32 Sanskrit stanzas. Bengal. No. in the YJG. Series, No. 8, Benares, 1905.!
7480 ; Flo. No. 697. See also Hultzsch, ZDMG., Vol. 75, p. 1
(1) giagaaata (Gramn. 6806 ) in Sanskrit con61 ff. Buh. VI. No. 834; Chani. Nos.
taining 23 cantos composed by Muni223; 297 ; 572, DB. 22 (170); Limdi,
ratnasuri of the Purnima Gaccha acc. to No. 688; PAZB. 6 (15); SA. No.
Bt. He is probably the same as the 383 ; Surat. 1, 9, 10.
author of Amamasvāmicaritra. Bt. No. मुनिगुणनाममालिका Surat. 2.
266; JA. 102 (3); JG. p. 243; Pet. fargestrategia In 55 Gäthäs by Devasuri.
III. A. p. 144. JG. p. 205 ; Limdi. No. 955; Patan!
10. 959; Patan (II) glagaagits by Vinayacandra (Gram. Cat. I. p. 134.
4552). BK. No. 259; Bt. No. 268 ; gawaitegia in Apabhramsa, by Devasuri.
DB. 26 ( 7; 8); JG. p. 242. Patan. Cat. I. p. 134.
(III) Hagagata by Hemacandra. This is a gragraner (Gram. 625 ) by Nayanandasuri. VB.
part (8th book) of the Trisastisalākā28 (8).
puruşacaritra. JA. 76 (1). (I) giaqraait containing 646 Prākrta Gātbās,
(IV) graganatta containing about 10994 was composed in Sam. 1172, by Haribhadrasuri, pupil of Jipadeva, pupil of
Gāthās, composed by Sricandrasuri, pupil Mänadeva of the Brhad Gaccha. Bengal.
of Hemacandrasūri of the Harsapuriya Nos. 3487; 7110; 7187, Bhand. VI.
Gaccha. The date of this work is not
certain. According to Bt. No. 267, it No. 1331 ; BK. No. 681 ; Buh. Il. No. 372; DA. 49 (33 to 46); DB. 29
is Sam. 1193, while Pet. IV. Introduc(12); 31 (1; 3; 4); DI. p. 34;
tion, page 7 says that it is 1121. This Hamsa. Nos. 421, 911; JG. p. 229;
latter, however, is not possible since the
author could not have written so early as JHB. 32; 34; KB. 3 (56); Limdi. Nos. 571 ; 853 ; 1274 ; 2699 ; PAP. 12
this. His other works are Samgrahani( 34); 20 (6); 45 ( 39 ); 46 (3);
ratna and Pradeśavyākhyātippana in Sam. PAPL. 6 (42); PAPR. 11 (11);
1222 (see Avasyakasutra, Com. No. 17, Pet. I. No. 314; IV. No. 1309; VI.
where read 1222 for 1122). Bt. No.
267 , Chani. No. 2; JG. p. 242; PAP. No. 612; SA. Nos. 45; 1602; 2852; Strass. pp. 316 ; 414 ; 445 ; VB. 28
21 (13); 63 (42); PAPM. 7; Patan (2; 25; 32, 33, 40 ); Vel. No. 1767.
Cat. I. p. 314 (quotations ); Pet. V. A. (II) fagfarct ( T ) by Dharmavijaya. Baroda.
p. 7 ( quotations from Prasasti ). No. 2897; Surat. 1.
(V) great ( Gram. 5555 ) composed in (III) æfagfareits in Sanskrit composed in Sarn.
Sam. 1294, by Padmaprabha, pupil of 1005, by Jambūnāga or Jambū Kavi.
of Vibudhaprabha, of the Candra Kula. See Manipaticaritra (I). DB. 31 (2);
According to DI. p. 49, KunthunāthaJG. p. 229.
caritra (I) was also composed by this
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