ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
25 ).
Gaccha. It was written during the (II) Bahamiana of Samantabhadra. AK. No. spiritual reign of Jinacandrasuri, successor
500. of Jinamānikya. BK. No. 1790 ; Chani. Tetrat a rea by a pupil of Jinaharsa. JG. p. No. 172; Hamsa. No. 865; JG. pp.
316 ( foll. 305 ). This is a palm-leaf ms. 140; 150 ; JHA, 45; PAP. 21 (12);
from the Lodhi Pośāla Upāśraya at PRA. Nos. 1117, 1213 (No. 44).
Sanghavi Pādā, Patan. (1) Tīkā Svopajña, composed in Sarn.
af ter with Vrtti. KB. 5 ( 33 ). 1645; BK. No. 1790; Chani. No. 172;
by Abhayacandra. This is a commentary Hamsa. No. 865; JG. pp. 140; 150; JHA. 45; PAP. 21 (12); PRA. Nos.
on the Sabdānusāsana of Sākatāyana 1117, 1213 (No. 44 ).
(s. v.). AK. Nos. 502; 503; CC. I. p. 23; qafe A t in 10 Gäthäs only. See
CP. p. 669, Hum, 69, 110 ; Idar. 147; Patan Cat. I. p. 404.
Rice. p. 300 (cf. also IA. for 1887, p. (1) Vitti by Tilakācārya. Patan Cat. I. p. 404.
491**Limdi. No. 770. qa014 THT ( Be :-dhyātvā vāmeya ) Bik. No.
प्रज्ञापनातृतीयपदसंग्रहणी by Abhayadeva, see Prajna1504 ; Mitra. X. p. 10.
panāsütra, Com. No. (4). (I) 197TA121 by Jinendrasāgara. BK. No. 45ale is the fourth Upānga. It is ascribed to 1715. This is published in the Parva
Araya Syāma and describes in full details kathäsangraha I, in the YJG. Series,
the different classes of living beings in its Benares, Vir. Sam. 2436.
36 chapters. It is published with Malaya(II) lograranet Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1707
giri's commentary by Ray Bahadur 1711 ; Bengal. No 7316; DA. 60 (304) ;
Dhanapatisinha, Benares, 1884 A. D., 76 (97); JG. p. 264 ; Limdi. No. 1108 ;
and also by the Agamodaya Samiti Punjab. Nos. 1713; 1716; Surat. 2, 5, 9.
(Series Nos.19-20), Bombay, 1918-1919. पौषदशमीमाहात्म्यकथा by Muktivimala. Published in
Agra. Nos. 175, 176, 177 ; 179-182; the Dayāvimala J. G. Mālā, Nos. 14–15,
AM. 5; 6; 16; 48; 50; 379; 394 ; Ahmedabad, 1918-19.
396 ; Bengal. Nos. 2521 ; 6858; Bhand.
III. No. 445; Bik. Nos. 1505; 1709; Buh. TTUREIHE Kath. No. 1392.
II. No. 216 ; III. No. 116; Chani. No. startulangius DA. 37 ( 66).
544 ; DA. 12 ( 25 to 28 ); DB. 5 ( 3(I) Teluia1 about 800 Gäthäs by Pradyum
5); DC. p. 13 (No. 111 ); Flo. No. nasüri. See Vicärasāra No. VIII. DA. 37
517 ; JA. 12 (1); JB. 31; 37; 38; 39 ; (59).
Jesal. Nos. 158 ; 199; 556; 1731; JG. (II) talviraat Anonymous. DA. 37 ( 41 ; 45–
p. 8; JHA. 14 ( 3 c.); 15( 2 c. ); JHB. 47; 49-51, 62, 67; 76; 84); 60
13 ( 3 c.); Kaira. A. 73, Kath. No. (88). (00).
1393 ; KB. 2 (5); 3 (6); Kiel. II. No. fazaru Pet. V. No. 768.
18; Kundi. Nos. 144 ; 238 ; Limdi. Nos.
7 ; 84; 149; 243; 301 ; 339; 386 ; Tianae SA. No. 2873.
Mitra. VIII. pp. 60; 70 ; 184; PAP. 1 galaterafuta in 41 Gāthās is a part of:Gommata
(4); 51 (1-5); PAPL. 2(1); 6 sāra. Strass. p. 307.
( 49 ); PAPS. 21 (11; 12); 22(1-5); (1) talatertela by Kemicandra. AK. No.
37(1); 46 (13); 60 (12); 67 (76); .501 ; Padma. 87; SG. No. 1326.
68 (41); 69 (64); PAS. No. 417, J.......33
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