ग्रन्थाविभागः प्रथमः
(1) ateragia by Somasundara. This is Yogasutra | 290; Buh. II. No. 296 ; Hamsa. No. 96 ; (I-IV ) with the commentary of Soma
JG. p. 112; PAPR. 15 (35); PRA. sundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. Buh. II.
No. 286 ; Punjab. No. 1857; SA. No. No. 225.
912. (II) aleagie (CTTO) by Merutunga. Limdi.(II) OG EITT ( 2T TOT) Hamsa. No. 46; JG. p. No. 92. See Kātantravyākarana Tikā
298. See Pancagranthivyākaraṇa.
(III) Igen Anonymous. SB. 2 (93 three (I) agafrufta in Sanskrit (Grarn. 500 ). JG.
copies). p. 228.
que in the Sanskrit garb made by King Dar(II ) agatufca in Sanskrit by Cărukirti. SRA.
vinīta of the Ganga family towards the
end of the 5th century AD. See Mediaval बिकानेरवर्णन KB. 1 (64).
Jainism, pp. 19-23. fataqqozgragnary by Sritilakācārya. DB. TE 1 of Harişeņa, pupil of Bharatasena. 22 (88).
See Kathākoša, VII. The work is now fara fir To Bengal. No. 7286.
being published in the Singhi Jain fragragnara by Sricandrasüri. DB. 22 (86).
Series, Ahmedabad. Bhand. VI. No. farayarare Anonymous. Bengal. No. 6893;
1049 ; Kath. No. 1159 ; SG. No. 2395 DA. 67 (36); DB. 46 (14); Kath.
TEUTETTE Agra. No. 1664 see Kathāsargraba No. 1403 ; PAP. 25 (21); Strass.
(VI). p. 433c; VC. 10 ( 7).
yaaniagra by Gargarși. See Karmavipāka. fantastigah Punjab. No. 1853.
qcahiea See Karmastava. Limdi. No. 81. farale by Vardhamāna. Published by the Agg- aafzght by Vidyabhūsana. CP. p. 675.
modaya Samiti, Series, No. 49, Bombay, ea auzy FunTAT Pet. VI. No. 678. 1927.
बृहत्कल्पसूत्र The fifth Cheda Sutra containing six fatturato composed in Sarn. 1639, by Sa
chapters. It lays down rules of conduct ranga, pupil of Padmasundara, during the
for the monks and nuns. It was edited reign of Jñānasāgarasuri of the Madahada
by W. Schubring at Leipzig 1905 and Gaccha. DB. 43 ( 25; 26 ); Kath. No.
again at Poona, 1923. The Sūtra is also 1648; PRA. No. 809.
known as Brhatsādhukalpasutra. The
German edition contains a translation of aftrenten of Gautama. See Sakunāvali.
the text, notes, and a glossary, all in afhaag JG. p. 311.
German. The text, with Gujrāti transfattaa in Sanskrit. Limdi. No. 2369.
lation is published by J. G. Doshi, Tata Pet. V. No. 925.
Ahmedabad, 1915. It is again recently
published with the Niryukti, the Bhäşya af tsT in Sanskrit, composed in Sam. 1868, by Jivarāja. Hamsa. No. 1653; SG. No.
and Malayagiri's commentary by the JAS.
Bhavnagar ; Part I. 1933, Part II. 1936. 2380.
Agra. Nos. 198; 572 ; 573; 576-584 ; grate of Pandit Mabiräja. SG. No. 130.
AM. 1; 65; 148; 327; Baroda. No. 2935; (I) बुद्धिसागर on Jain Philosophy composed in
Bhand. VI. Nos. 1221; 1222; 1223; Sam. 1520 by Sangrāmasimba, who was
Buh. III. Nos. 128 ; 129 ; 130 (the last the Bhändāgārika of Mohamed Khilji of
dated Sam. 1334 ; palm ms.); IV. No. Malwa. Baroda. No. 2878; BK. No.
191 ; DA. 14 ( 25-28 ), 73 ( 9 ); DB. 7
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